Jewish Activist Hosting Obama In NYC Tonight

The following is from the NY Post: Prominent New York Jewish activist Jack Rosen is hosting a fund-raising event tonight for President Obama, who hopes to get as much Jewish support in his 2012 re-election bid as he did in 2008.

Rosen, chairman of both the American Jewish Congress and the American Council on World Jewry, is staging the event at his Upper East Side residence.

Rosen runs Rosen Partners, a residential and commercial real-estate firm, and has taught at Beijing University.

About 30 honchos are expected to attend the 5 p.m. event, with tickets starting at $10,000 per person.


13 Responses

  1. Given that Obama and the secular Jews see “eye to eye” on almost everything (bailouts for their mutual friends on Wall Street, support for same-gender marriage, encouragement of abortions, fiscal irrepsonsibility as a tool of economic policy, moderate support for Israel but keeping a distance from non-leftist Israelis), the fund raiser should do well. And since most frum Jews know whose buttering our bread, he won’t do that badly in frum areas.

  2. #2 most of the secular Jews I know (myself included) despise the current President. You should have said liberal Jews instead of secular.

  3. What an utter disgrace.
    How ANY Jew, even a secular one, can support this anti-semitic bum is just nauseating!

    By the way, what ever you may think of Herman Cain, I have no doubt that it was Obama’s people that orchestrated the massive smear campaign aganst him.
    They realized that virtually all blacks voted for obama in the last election, but that MANY blacks are NOW disenchanted with him. Given the choice of voting for a DIFFERENT black man (other than Obama), Cain could win the African-American vote (as well as the conservative and Republican vote) and COULD WIN THE ELECTION! But, – with the choice of Obama OR a white Republican, the vast majority of blacks, despite their disenchantment, would STILL vote for Obama.
    THEREFORE, it was absolutely necessary to destroy Cain’s chances of getting on the ballot. Think about it, what did any of these women have to gain by coming out with these charges now? NONE of them are suing him. None of them are saying he fathered a child with them (for whom they want child support). Why did they do this, and why NOW? Someone/s in the Obama camp has gotten them to do it either with a financial or other type of payoff. I’m sure this will come out eventually, but not before the Obamination has been re-elected.

  4. Ah, so already we have one of our own philanthropists believing we’re insane enough to risk another four years with a president who’s not only anti-Israel, but who’s not very pro-American either? And that some of his friends are willing to pay $10,000 a plate to prove it?

  5. The white republican winner may very well have a black VP. Gingrich has pointed to Tim Scott of S.C. as someone on his “short list”.

  6. You know, it’s just scary that Jews could be so stupid, as to vote for this….. How in the world does anyone think this monster will do this country good for another four years, C”V? I shudder to think of it. May Hashem help us!

    #4- what you’re saying makes a LOT of sense!

  7. The lack of understanding of the politics of campaign finance as evidenced by comments 1 through 9 is astounding. Would it be wise strategy for Jews to throw all their financial support, not to mention “all” their votes, to the candidate – Obama – who will surely finish the election no worse than second, and may even, despite your best wishes, finish first? Is it wise to have no one among Israel’s supporters who, following an Obama re-election (no matter how unlikely you may think that is) can pick up the phone and say, “Hello, Barak, it’s me, Jack, who raised $300,000 for your re-election. Listen, I want to talk to you about Shomron and Judea. Can you squeeze me in next week? Yeah, I agree, Bibi’s a pain in the neck, but listen, he’s got some good ideas I want to discuss with you.”

    And if President Obama is re-elected, will any of commenters 1 through 9 send a thank-you note to Mr. Rosen for showing the Jewish colors in support of his re-election?

    And if the 30 “honchos” attending the fund-raiser are Jewish, shouldn’t they be called “honchosim”.

  8. #10 – the problem is that the rich secular liberal Jews who likes Obama are more likely to tell him that’s its okay to squeeze those religious fanatics out of the West Bank – and see if they can help support the secular left-wing candidates they favor. They feel they can help Israel by using the American government to coerce Israel to adopt non-nationalist and anti-Orthodox policies.

    Remember that among most non-frum Jews, the bulk of Obama’s policies are well regarded. In their world, Obama is a hero for fighting for abortion and gay marriage (these being big issues to frei Jews, who consider them de facto “mitsvos”). They prefer to see the government stop trying to slip aid to yeshivos (note that they would prefer non-Jewish schools even in cities with day schools that send most of their graduates to elite colleges).

  9. #10 – according to you, these same people should be giving the same amount of money to the Republican nominee, as it is (more than) possible he will be elected President.

    I think the only Jews in favor of an Obama re-election are secular, liberal Jews, who agree with all his impossible policies. And if C”V Obama gets reelected, he’ll be awful for Israel, as he has already shown his true colors (oops! was that racist?)

  10. The lack of understanding of (i) the politics of campaign finance, and (ii) the political opinions of secular, liberal Jews who like Obama, as set forth in comment no. 11, is astounding.

    Commenter No. 11 can enlighten him/herself by addressing the first question posed (brilliantly posed, actually) by Commenter No. 10. Here’s a hint at the answer: politicians listen carefully to their financial supporters, and hardly listen at all to persons who (a) are not financial supporters, or (b) frequently express dislike, suspicion or contempt for them. So if frum Jews agree with commenter no. 11 and think their wisest strategy is to back only one candidate for president, then frum Jews are taking a substantial risk that they will be shut out of the discussions of their interests, whether those interests are Israeli security, aid for relgious schools, or higher quotas for Jews at elite colleges.

    One other idea that frum Jews – at least the ones who express their views on this web site – should consider the mitzvah of ahavas Yisroel and form more positive relationships and engage in more polite conversations with non-frum (or, if you are optimistic, the not-yet-frum) political activists. I don’t know from Jack Rosen or the two organizations which he reportedly heads (I say “reportedly” because the source of this article is the New York Post), but he probably deserves a little more respect, or ahavas, than he has so far received in comments 1 through 9.

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