iPhone Saves Israeli Girl’s Life

An Israeli girl’s life was recently saved thanks to none other than the iPhone.

The story, which was reported by the Yediot Acharonot newspaper on Friday, began two weeks ago when seven-year-old Gil Dahan from Kiryat Ono (east of Tel Aviv) woke up and saw that a number of red dots had appeared inside her mouth during the night. At first, Gil’s parents thought she bit her tongue and thought the dots would go away.

The situation, however, grew worse and the spots began to spread throughout Gil’s body. Her ​​parents thought it was an allergy but still decided not to take a risk and called their Health Maintenance Organization’s medical hotline.

The parents spoke with Dr. Dov Drori who, upon hearing their description, asked Gil to record a video showing the dots using her iPhone, and send it to him.

The video received by the doctor confirmed his fears: Gil was suffering from a rare disease called ITP, which causes the immune system to act against platelets responsible for clotting. In its most dangerous form, ITP may lead to severe bleeding and death.

Dr. Drori told Gil’s parents to take her to the emergency room at Tel Hashomer Hospital immediately. At the hospital, she received treatment for a week and her body returned to normal.

Gil is reportedly under continuous supervision by doctors, but her condition is good and she celebrated her seventh birthday this past week.

(Source: Arutz 7)

3 Responses

  1. #1, Very true, especially since all it did was save a trip to the doctor. So the title should read, “iPhone saves trip to the doctor.”

  2. The doctor told the seven year old girl to send him the video with her iphone? Are her parents incapable? Why does a seven year old have an iphone? Why do he specify an iphone?

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