AUDIO: Sholom Rubashkin Addresses More Than 2000 At Montreal Rally


Montreal – Approximetly 2,000 people attended a rally to support Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, Wednesday night. Amongst those addressing the audience, was Sholom Rubashkin himself. Attorney Mark Weinhart, Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz (Editor of Yated Ne’eman) and Rabbonim also addressed the event.

Despite a snow storm, the massive crowd attended the event – which ended with a packed house just before midnight.

Attorney Mark Weinhart, who has been involved with the case since almost day one, gave a powerful address – including interesting details about the case.

In his address, Sholom Rubashkin requested that people take upon themselves not to talk during Kadish and to say Amen Yehei Shmei Raba with the proper Kavana in his zchus.

AUDIO INFO: Please call the new YWN Newsline at 718-506-1111, and press the option for recorded events.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

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