Baruch Dayan Emmes – Gavaad Komomiyus ZATZAL

HaGaon HaRav Menachem Mendel Mendelson ZT”L, the Gavaad Komomiyus was niftar during the night in Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. The rav will ill since Sukkos, and he was hospitalized last week, apparently after suffering a minor stroke. The Gavaad of the community of Komomiyus was 73, and according to Kol Chai Radio, he suffered a heart attack during the night.

The niftar served as rav of the community since 5739, filling in for his late father zt”l. the Gavaad is survived by 5 sons and 5 daughters. The levaya is scheduled for 10:30am this morning, 27 Cheshvan, in Komomiyus to Shamgar in Yerushalayim. From their they will pass the Belz Beis Medrash, the Gur Beis Medrash, and kvura will take place in Har Menuchos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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