Weapons Cache Found During Zuccotti Park Cleanup

A number of weapons were discovered in New York’s Zuccotti Park after Occupy Wall Street protesters were evicted by the Police Department last week, Fox News is reporting.

Gardeners employed by the park owners, Brookfield Properties, to clean up the mess made by occupiers during their two-month stay discovered various knives, including a large kitchen knife and other potential instruments of violence in flower beds throughout the public space, according to officials.

“We (NYPD) aren’t taking the weapons, building security is,” said a high-ranking officer who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “Security at the Brookfield building across from Zuccotti. They have all the weapons.”

Officials from the NYPD would only confirm that one knife was found buried in a planter on Tuesday. But the haul was believed large enough for Brookfield Security workers to collect them in the real estate company’s headquarters across from the park.

It was not immediately clear what security at Brookfield will do with the weapons. A spokeswoman for the company declined comment.


9 Responses

  1. These people are still protesting and they probably still need these things back. This is probably a serious sheila about ganeyva. These knives should be polished, packed into black velvet holders, and returned immediately to its owner. Why don’t they just discard these knives instead of making a fancy news about this?

  2. Just business as usual for fox. Fox has a political agenda to seriously crush the “liberal occupiers” their headlines are getting sadder and sadder.

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