‘Occupy’ Targets Retailers On Black Friday

The Occupy movement is taking on the biggest retail day of the season, calling on protesters to occupy major retailers on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.

“OCCUPY BLACK FRIDAY by occupying/boycotting large chain stores and publicly traded retail” is the message posted on the website stopblackfriday.com.

The movement contends that 1% of the country is making money at the expense of the other 99%.

“The credit cards the 99% overcharge will allow the 1% to enrich themselves gluttonously on the backs of hardworking people who simply want to provide a memorable time for their families,” the website says.

“So just imagine what would happen to the 1% if the 99% did not spend on Black Friday.”

The site asks protesters to target only “publicly traded large businesses” and support small businesses “that serve our local communities.”

The site lists Abercrombie & Fitch, Amazon.com, AT&T Wireless, Burlington Coat Factory, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Dollar Tree, The Home Depot, Neiman Marcus, Office Max, Toys “R” Us, Verizon Wireless and Wal-Mart as businesses that should be boycotted or occupied.

(Source: CNN)

5 Responses

  1. #1 this is their time……these malcontent/anarcists have made this their job… probably because others fund it and they really don’t have to work.
    If the Democrats weren’t so in love with this movement, an honest investigation could be held to find out who really is backing this OWS bunch.

  2. Amazing. So if retailers cant make money on the day that they are supposed to become profitable in the year then what is going to happen to more and more employees? They will be fired and let go and the economy will only get worse with more people being laid off.

    Its time for the % that is productive and currently have jobs and families to support and bills to pay and lives to live to tell them to get lost and go elsewhere.

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