Police Nab Another Suspected Hoodlum Identified With Sikrikim

Police on Tuesday night, November 22nd, arrested Yosef Meir Chazon, apprehending him on Yechezkel Street at about 19:30. According to a Kikar Shabbat report, tens of supporters surrounded him, trying to prevent police from making the arrest. Police used pepper spray to distance them, permitting the arrest which was accomplished in an expeditious fashion.

Chazon is believe affiliated with the hoodlums in Meah Shearim known as ‘sikrikim’, and the suspect is wanted by authorities for allegedly taking part in the violence that plagues the Batei Warsaw community in the ongoing ownership conflict.

Chazon has hired attorney Yair Nehorai, who is also handing other cases related to Meah Shearim and the sikrikim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. To #1:
    Even the issur of loshon hora has a gvul
    Lately we have seen a heavy surge in the divorce rate in the frum community. A significant part has been that we have lately become ovrly attuned to the issur of loshon hora and are reluctant to say something that will hurt a shidduch; the result is divorce!
    I recall many years ago when a Ponzi schemer targeted targeted the frum community. One person smelled something wrong, but was prevented by an “odom chashuv” from saying something; many lost their savings.

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