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FM Lieberman Warns Against The Removal Of Additional Outposts

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is quoted in the Israeli today, Tuesday, as stating if the government removes any additional outposts or resumes the transfer of funds to the PA (Palestinian Authority), his party will break from the coalition.

Lieberman spoke with Israel Radio’s Yaron Dekel, explaining the reports are simply ‘subjective’ interpretation of his remarks.

He stated that any attempt to remove outposts would be a grave move, adding the issue of yishuvim throughout Yehuda and Shomron can be resolved, referring to legal difficulties regarding certain communities, if the sides “exhibit a bit of good will, nothing more”. Lieberman stated that most of the so-called outposts today were established with the blessing and assistance of the national government and to now remove them is unacceptable and absurd.

The foreign minister explained that his party, Yisrael Beitenu would have to seriously contemplate its future is a coalition that seeks to uproot communities, as would be the case with the Bayit HaYehudi party and Likud members who side with them, sending a clear message to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that it would be best not to test such a reality.

The original statements quoted by the media were made by the foreign minister during a party faction meeting.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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