FBI Declined To Pursue N.Y.C. Bomb Plot

Two law enforcement officials familiar with the investigation of a New York City bomb plot said federal authorities declined to pursue the case.

The officials said on Monday that the NYPD sought to get the FBI involved two times as the investigation unfolded. One said that after reviewing the evidence, the FBI concluded the lone suspect didn’t have the “predisposition or the ability” to carry out the plot.

The officials were not authorized to speak about the case and spoke on condition of anonymity. The FBI’s New York office declined to comment on Monday.

Jose Pimentel is being held on state terrorism charges alleging he plotted to blow up police and post offices in New York City.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Sunday that federal officials were aware of the NYPD probe.

(Source: Wahington Times)

One Response

  1. Does the FBI have ruffled feathers because the NYPD has upgraded their capabilities to include intelligence gathering? Does the FBI have a problem understanding that they too can be incinerated in terrorist attacks and that they should once and for all agree to work as a team with all other defense and public protection organizations?

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