Stepped Up Security For Rav Ovadia

While security around the home of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita is always heavy, when there is a feeling that more needs to be done, those around the Gadol HaDor responsible for his security don’t take chances as threats are not taken lightly. As such, security for the Rav has been stepped-up in and around his home, including a metal detector at the entrance to his Har Nof apartment building. Apparently this is in response to threats against the Rav’s life.

It is unclear just how this will impact the lives of residents of the building as they return home.

The ministers have also decided to return to a former practice, that all party cabinet ministers daven with the rav, which results in increased security since ministers are accompanied by bodyguards.

It appears that following the assassination of Baba Elazar zt”l in July, officials are not taking any threat lightly.

According to a Kikar Shabbat report, MK Nissim Ze’ev stated that following the recent threat against the Rav by Meir Baranes, that he plans to murder Rav Ovadia on 19 Kislev, the decision was made to take additional steps to protect the rav.

Rav Ovadia is indeed a ‘high profile’ Gadol, one whose name and photograph appears in the news on an almost daily basis, one who is visited regularly by state and military leaders, a rav who influences state policy – adding to the concerns for his safety.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Curious what kind of metal detectors they mattired for use that would include being used on Shabbos. The story goes (though not heard first-hand) that in Kehilath Jeshurun, which is considered pretty modern, when high-profile guests would come on Shabbos, they were choshesh for stationary metal detectors, which they held would be a problem when actively walking through on Shabbos, and were mattir only hand-held wands, held by non-Jews, where the person scanned would be completely passive. Factors here that might make the metzius different, could include a specific threat of pikuach nefesh, being in EY – affecting the availability of non-Jews who could do the job, or of anyone who could be there all the time, and having a system that is up all week. They could also change the method for Shabbos. Considering they’re protecting a posek, I assume he would be the one to pasken.

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