IDF Pleased: Record Number Of Orthodox Females Enter The Military

IDF Personnel Branch officials are pleased over the record number of Orthodox females entering military service, reporting 1,500 this year, which represents a 25% increase from last year. The figure was released at the third annual forum of Orthodox young women interested in entering the IDF.

There are 2,000 females in the IDF today who classify themselves as Shomer Shabbat, some of whom are serving as officers. Some serve in the intelligence corps, air force technicians, communications, operations coordinating sergeants, as well as an array of office positions.

A steering committee checked the position to deem their suitability for an Orthodox woman prior to assigning them. This is done in coordination with the Aluma organization, which encourages Shomer Shabbat women to enter the IDF, as well as with the IDF Chief Rabbinate.

Religious females may request and be excused from military service, and the same holds true for Sheirut Leumi, national service, also voluntary. Brigadier-General Amir Rugovsky said “more and more young women feel that serving in the IDF for two years instead of national service for a year brings them more satisfaction”. The senior officer serves in the IDF’s personnel branch.

YWN-ISRAEL adds that females in national service may also opt to serve a second year.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. Didn’t the Chazon Ish say that army service for girls yehareg v’lo yaavor? Did anything change since his time? Maybe something did change, but even then only Daas Torah can decide on the matter.

  2. The Chazon Ish z”l with all other Gedolim of the previous generation Paskend that service in the IDF for women is Yehereg V’Al Yavor

  3. 1) Firstly, I checked out Aluma’s website and their website shows women who are not conforming to Halacha when it comes to proper dress code. Obviously, they hold no credibility.

    2)RamatShilo – What do you mean BH? What is so good about this? When were women ever required/allowed into a Torah based Army other than in the midst of war? All the more so for a Minim Army! It seems to me that it would be good for you to work on your Torah Hashkafot.

    3) The Chazon Ish was asked why he came out so much stronger against girls going into the army then men. His answer was that the men there have to fight their Taavas. The women, however, are the objects of that Taava and they will not be able to overcome the nasiyon!

    So I ask you, what changed? Did our Yeitzers weaken? Are the soldiers more zniyus? Or perhaps, just perhaps, our society that is presently suffering from a general lack of zniyus is producing pruzim that are willing to go to the army (with all the ramifications that come with it)! Don’t fool yourselves! There is nothing praiseworthy of their actions!

    4) According to the article it refers to 2000 that claim to be Shomer Shabbat. It does not state how many of them come from Haradei families. I’m quite certain that the vast majority come from Mizrachi/Chardal* families who are weak in their commitment to Torah (such as wearing short sleeves and skirts that go above the knees – both being absolutely forbidden and according to the halacha one can divorce his wife W/O giving Kesef Ketuba (look it up)). The rest may be At Risk girls from frum families, but that doesn’t say much.

    * – Just a foot note. I do not mean to say that all Mizachi and/or Chardal are weak in their commitment, but rather there is a significant amount that are. The same with Modern Orthodox. One example of Mizrachi Jews with Yirat Shamiyim is Mirkaz HaRav.

  4. “More and more young women . . . Brings them nore satisfaction.” Isn’t that sweet? A shame they are not satisfied with the good feeling of doing what all the gedolei Yisroel agreed upon regarding this.

  5. #2, 3, 4, and 5 are all correct. These young women may be well-meaning and idealistic, but, unfortunately, are displaying their idealism in a way that is contrary to Halacha.

    At least they don’t have to worry about Kol Isha . . .

  6. Wow, joining the IDF is the ticket to higher education and job options without pymt.
    In this way, there will be less options of “Kol Isha” from the women’s brigades.(LOL) The IDF will be frustrated as they see the kiruv that occurs from these dedicated and idealistic women.

  7. The Dati Leumi camp have some fine idealistic people, which causes us to sometimes confuse them as frum.

    But let’s remember – they are far far away from adhearing to Torah leadership. In their camp the Rabbis listen to the MK’s…

  8. Hey sane conservative: How abut being Dan Lkav Zechus — you personally know that none of these women confer with their Rabbanim or Mechanchim? The answers that individuals get to sheilos are very different than the mass teshuvos.

  9. Let’s keep in mind that “Yehereg V’Al Yavor” was no exaggeration. For those who don’t follow, H-shem Yarachem. I’m referring to those rabanim who permitted these women not to follow the G’dolei Hador.

  10. when done properly? do you know that it is being done properly. which truly orthodox jewish girl goes into the army when the psak is against it. oh i forgot if it feel good its ok

  11. look at the quote
    “brings them more satisfaction”
    theres nothing religious in this- if it feels good do it. zionism rears its head again.

  12. It is an old story that the Dati Leumi tend to balance more on their plates than the Chariedim. By that I mean that DL who are ‘shtark’ in their observance of Torah – and there are many – find ways to balance their Torah observance with additional committments; some to professions, some to education, and some to the IDF.

    I think the goal for those who do this is ultimately the same as the goal of all Frum Jews: to raise the mundane and make it holy, and to glorify G-d’s name in the process.

    It’s easy to glorify G-d in the Beit Medrash; to do it in an office building in Tel Aviv, in a University classroom, or on an army base is a level the Chareidim will never have the zchut of achieving.

  13. When another 1500 girls who are shomer Shabbat and over 25 get married and have kids, then tell me. Thats a reason to celebrate. According to Yeshayahu, in chapter 4, it is the ones who go out to fight that are in danger. And a pirush brings that so many will die, there will be man women who will grab ahold of any guy they can, and will beg to be married, and will earn their own livelihood as a punishment for having wanted to work and be career gals and so on. Join the army etc. And in that day seven women will take hold of one man…..

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