Report: Sikrikim Leaders Fled the Country

Sholom Baruch Rust, who is identified as a senior player with the so-called sikrikim has fled the country, Kikar Shabbat reported on Wednesday, 19 Cheshvan. Rust caught a plane to the United States, where he is expected to stay in the hope the situation here back at home calms down, realizing he is being hunted by the opposition. Traveling with him is Avraham Hirschman, who was recently released from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital after sustaining a beating.

The report quotes “people in Meah Shearim” as saying that since the beating, the sikrikim have lowered their profile, and the amount of violence attributed to them has dropped significantly.

Kikar adds that Jerusalem police stated in response that the matter will be investigated.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


14 Responses

  1. It would be helpful to have pictures of both so when they come collecting in our Shul we will know not to give them (and throw them out of Shul as well)!

  2. It is tragic that violence seems to be the only language that these vilde chayos understand. If only a taste of their own medicine would arouse thoughts of teshuva in their hearts…

  3. WIY #1: You must be joking. Sadly, people in your community are not permitted to use your own brains. You have permitted low lifes in your shuls and protected them that are far worse than these clowns. Ask your Rav. You would be surprised who money is collected for these days.

  4. “The report quotes “people in Meah Shearim” as saying that since the beating, the sikrikim have lowered their profile, and the amount of violence attributed to them has dropped significantly.”

    That’s how you deal with bullies. Stand up to them and they will run. Good job Ger.

  5. rabosai, i want to clarify something. you’ve been super duped! hirschman has NO CONNECTION AT ALL to the “sikrikim”! the gerrer thugs want you to believe he does, because that’s a way of turning him into something hateful! this is a marketing strategy they have been employing against the world (especially far-away America) successfully! Hirschman is a regular Yerushalmi Stoliner who lives in Batei Varsha, whre the Gerrers are trying to monopolize and throw the old-timers (non-Gerers) out of their apartments. because Hirshman fights them on that, i.e. he refused to lay down and play dead against the violent thuggery, and tried helping some older choshuve yidden to get protection from Beis Din, he was publicized as a “sikrik” and beaten within an inch of his life! he has no interst whatsoever in any of the intersts/activities of the “sikrikim”, has NO interst in foisting any kind of frumkeit on anyone at all, and is being attacked for ONE REASON ONLY; he opposes the gerrer takeover and monopoly of botei varsha! milsa d’avida l’igluyei!!!!!!

  6. #11- I believe this is the part of the conversation where we say “I’m not getting involved in a civil war, so don’t try.”

  7. chaimss – mazel tov. terrific! but don’t accuse these yidden of being the terrorist “sikrikim”! you wanna stay out? kol hakavod! stay out completely. not just falsely accusing individual yidden of being part of a gang.

  8. Do you remember the terror tactics used to empty apartment buildings out of older Boro Park residents to make way for certain “frum” groups?

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