Hate Crime In Flatbush: Avenue J Subway Station Sign Vandalized & Renamed Avenue ‘Jew’

Less than a week after a horrific hate crime in Midwood, vandals have struck again, this time defacing the Avenue J subway sign by adding the letters “EW,” so the station name read “Avenue JEW.”

Public officials were quick to condemn the act. Below are just two statements:

David G. Greenfield (D – Brooklyn) released the following statement:

“I denounce the cowardly act of vandalism that occurred today at the Avenue J subway station in Midwood. I imagine that whoever did this thinks that it’s a joke, but quite frankly it’s not funny—especially on the heels of the worst hate crime Midwood has ever seen being perpetrated last week on Ocean Parkway. I want to thank the MTA for immediately removing the sign and the NYPD for promptly investigating this as a bias crime. I urge anyone who may have seen anything that could lead to an arrest to contact the NYPD at 1 (800) 577-TIPS.”

From The Office of Councilman Lew Filder.

I am deeply disturbed by the graffiti incident at the Avenue J station on the Q line today. Coming as quickly as it does on the heels of last week’s horrible acts on Ocean Parkway, it is particularly chilling. We cannot and will not stand by and watch haters and hooligans demonize the entire Jewish community with impunity. Whether this is the work of one deranged person, a group of drunken idiots or some organized effort, it must be met with an immediate outcry. I am calling today on Police Commissioner Kelly to move some of those police officers that have been stationed at or near Zuccotti Park to our neighborhoods until those culpable are caught and brought to justice. People of good conscience can never be silent in the face of hate. Now is not the time to turn the other cheek or to look away. Now is the time to act.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. My mother in law a”h was 100% right! She spent the war years hiding as a non-Jew in a hotel and all she heard over and over and over again on the radio (I wasnt sure they had them then) was “Who has the best houses, the best clothing, the best furniture, the best …” (you get the idea). When she came to America, she had enough money to spend on expensive houses, cars and clothing but remembered hearing the anti-Semites angry jealous rants and chants and was the simplest living person in the world, despite having lots of money. She said if we do otherwise we’re causing ourselves serious problems.

    One might answer that whatever we do, outsiders hate us. We dont have to give them food for fodder. At the end of the day, when we close our eyes for good, I dont think anyone relishes the fact that they had the nicest houses, cars, clothing. I dont think so!

  2. There are those who will say, or perhaps have already said, that “when the economy heads south, anti-semitism goes north.” That and similar statements deny how hashgachas HaShem effects this world and how our actions effect hanhagas HaShem with us. More correctly the statement should be “when the economy goes south, m’fashpaish b’maasim.” And when anti-semitism goes north, m’fashpaish b’maasim. Increase our Torah learning, our kavonas ha’Tefilah, and our shmiras ha’mitzvos and anti-semitism will go into hybernation and the economy will improve.

  3. This is probably just a bunch of drunk teenagers having fun. It’s very wrong but it’s not the type of thing for a real jew hater to do

  4. I know I might sound sick But,
    if not for last weeks event I would find this quite funny
    ok kidding, nothing anti semitic should be taken lightly but what cab we do?
    maybe we can change avenue g to goy?

  5. You have proven that you’re a Brit – there IS no Avenue G – it’s called Glenwood Road. You can try changing Avenue N to nochri…
    But this is no laughing matter. Hashem is demontrating that if we forget who we are, the goyim will remind us. If we don’t want worse reminders (as we have been suffering from as of late, one after the other), we had better take heed.

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