Sikrikim Strike Again – Two Avreichim Attacked

The sikrikim live in their own world and by their own rules, seemingly unfettered by rulings of the Beis Din of the Eida Chareidis. As Eida rabbonim continue releasing messages condemning violence, two avreichim became the latest targets for these thugs, on Monday morning, 17 Cheshvan.

According to a Chadrei Chareidim report, two males identified with the sikrikim arrived at Batei Warsaw on Monday morning and began spray painting graffiti on Yoel Street near the Satmar Beis Medrash against chassidim who identify with the Kollel Poland. Shortly thereafter, members of the kollel tried to erase the graffiti but they were attacked by the two graffiti artists, beating them until they required medical attention.

Kollel members told Kikar Shabbat that despite the decision by the Eida, the other side continues using violence as a means to accomplish their objectives.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. I think that there is a typo here. It should read, “siCkrikim”!

    It appears that they are what Chazal was referring to as “Dor Chutzpa”!

  2. “Kollel members told Kikar Shabbat that despite the decision by the Eida, the other side continues using violence as a means to accomplish their objectives.”

    What are the objectives?

  3. Sounds like the avreichim asked for it. Next time they’ll wait ’till the troublemakers have gone b4 erasing their graffiti.

  4. Kill them! (Haba Lhargach, Hashkeim Lhorgo!) Or at the very least LOCK THEM UP ALREADY! Why do we need to continue hearing stories about these scum bags????

  5. From what I’ve read so far on Yeshiva World it seems that the only time that the Eida condemns violence is when it is perpetrated against the Sikrikim, but not when it’s perpetrated by the Sikrikim.
    So it’s misleading to say that they operate unfettered by rulings of the Beis DIn. They are in full compliance!


  6. I don’t understand the Eida. They really are not understanding the reality of the situation. If you have people who will and do resort to violence on a regular basis to get what they want ignoring what the Torah says about violence, loving a fellow Jew et al why would they care about some kol korei from the Eida?

    The only way to deal with such people is locking them up or at the minimum beating them up in turn so that it will no longer be worth it to act violently because they keep getting it back.

  7. “were attacked by the two graffiti artists, beating them until they required medical attention.”

    It hurts to read such a line about Jew against Jew. This is the kind of thing you expect to read about some anti-semite neo-nazi not a Yid! There is something seriously wrong with these Sikrikim sickos.

  8. I’m not sure what the issue is. I would imagine that in a small enclave like Meah Shearim everyone knows who these lowlifes are. They should start catching and beating these SICKrikim one by one and you’ll see how quickly the beatings will stop.

  9. Reap what you sow. The Eida and others remained quiet when it was just bookstores getting harassed for selling English-language books. Now that they realize the logical expansion of that into physical person-on-person violence they all of a sudden want it stopped? Too little, too late.

  10. im sure all of you who live so close and are invoved with eida politics understand the isues while the eida themselves is too stupid and near-sighted to understand.please.

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