Judge Orders City Io Allow Occupy Wall Street Back Into Zuccotti Park

A judge has ordered the city to allow protesters back into Zuccotti Park after a mass eviction overnight that led to approximately 100 arrests, according to protesters and reports.

Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Lucy Billings issued the temporary restraining order at 6:30 a.m. barring the city and Brookfield Properties, which owns Zuccotti Park, from evicting Occupy Wall Street protesters or preventing them from returning to the park, according to the New York Times.

The Times wrote that both parties are blocked from “enforcing ‘rules’ that were created after Occupy Wall street encampment moved into the park in Sept. 17. The ruling appears to include protesters’ right to bring sleeping bags and tents back with them for the time being.

Billings could not be reached for comment.

(Source: DNA Info)

One Response

  1. am i missing something? did a judge just bar the city from enforcing laws? And tell a private entity that it cannot kick people off its property?

    Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Sodom.

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