A Look At Jerusalem’s Light Rail As Service Is Going Paid

Officials have announced that after about three months of operation, Jerusalem’s light rail will begin charging passengers on December 1, 2011. Some question the future of the service that appears plagued with employee difficulties.

Train operators feel “foot-dragging” best describes the negotiations between the train service and the treasury surrounding salary demands, and the daily HaMevaser reports 20 of the 35 train drivers have submitted letters of resignation.

Yair Dahan, the deputy labor union representative for light rail employees spoke with HaMevaser. He explains the operating permit is scheduled to expire in the coming months, and this is why treasury officials are uninterested in negotiating, since no one knows what will happen at that time.

Employees launched a warning strike during chol hamoed Sukkos, but the labor court ordered them back to work. He warns that the state and the train operator will be in a big jam if drivers actualize their resignations since it takes seven months to certify new drivers.

According to train officials, responding to the HaMevaser report, they are about to sign a collective agreement with the Histadrut National Labor Federation.

They add they remain hopeful those seeking to promote their own agenda do not sabotage the imminent agreement, which they add will place light rail employees at the top of the scale of public transportation employees nationwide, both regarding wages and benefits.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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