Martzbach Family: The IDF Admitted The Mistake

IDF investigators have already determined that the soldier who opened fire at a suspicious vehicle on Friday morning and killed Otniel resident Rabbi Dan Martzbach z”l, 55, did not act in accordance to IDF regulations.

The bereaved family is sitting shiva in their home in the Southern Hebron Hills community of Otniel. Family members told the media they hope that the IDF will be permitted to return to being the strong army it once was, permitting soldiers to act in response to attacks as they once did. They feel that today, soldiers are fearful and act out of fear, a result of current realities.

The feel the recent Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal gave additional support for acts of terrorism, and since the deal was actualized, there has been an increase in rock-throwing and other attacks.

IDF Central District Commander Major-General Avi Mizrachi made a shiva visit on Sunday 16 Cheshvan, accompanied by Battalion Commander Colonel Guy Chazut. “They told us that abba did nothing wrong and they, the IDF, are responsible for his death. They repeated it over and over again, and I hope the lesson is learned” family members said.

Prior to visiting the family, the two senior officers revisited the area of the incident, near Otniel and conducted yet another run through at the site, seeking to learn and understand. The soldier who fired the fatal shots, who was struck by a passing truck, is recuperating in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital and he is expected to give his version of the events today.

The daily Yisrael HaYom quotes an anonymous “senior IDF source” as saying the soldier’s actions were not in line with operational protocol and he should not have opened fire as he did. The incident occurred during the predawn hours, in an area that operates under constant threat and terror warnings, which is what probably contributed to his response. In addition, the sentry post in Otniel reported to the soldiers that they saw a suspicious vehicle, another vehicle, describing the rabbi’s car, adding to the tense situation.

The family asked Mizrachi to permit addition home building in yishuvim, and called on the IDF to respond more seriously to the increasing rock-throwing attacks against them.

Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz on Sunday instructed the IDF and Maatz Roadwork Authority to look into the feasibility of installation road lighting in that area of Route 50.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. I hope the soldier who fired is not too severly held to task for it.
    This blood is on the hands of the likes of Peres, Olmert, Barak and their ilk who created the overall current (lack of) security status quo.

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