Women’s Rights Groups Trying To Push Meah Shearim’s Buttons

Regarding unwanted ads in frum areas of the capital, those showing women, the last months have been relatively quiet since there have not been any major immodest ad campaigns being launched in those areas. It appears however that the day of tranquility may be coming to an abrupt end as women’s rights activists appear determined to bring their unwanted adverts to frum areas, including Meah Shearim.

Kikar Shabbat reports that women representing these interests have recently approached Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, seeking to bring back posters and ads that show women and to ensure the chareidim do not vandalize them.

According to the report, the mayor sided with the women, and has since sent a letter to the city’s police chief, Nisso Shacham, calling upon him to eradicate this trend, referring to chareidim vandalizing ads deemed as unacceptable. The mayor added the city must permit those wishing to display ads that include women are permitted to do so without fear of vandalism and destruction of signs on buses and dedicated advert areas around the city.

Deputy Mayor (Meretz) Pepe Alalu has joined in to encourage and support the new effort, sending a letter to city cultural agencies in which he instructs those wishing to include women in ad campaigns and advertisements to do so. Alalu explained that “the city supports such actions towards maintaining its pluralistic character and not becoming a dark city that is controlled by a group of chareidi fanatics”.

Seeking to encourage the inclusion of females in ads for cultural activities, Alalu called on the mayor to subsidize such ads.

Chareidi askanim responded by saying they are hopeful that the mayor is not seeking a new battlefront, pointing to the relative quiet in the city today, warning Mr. Barkat not to upset the status quo. Kikar quotes unnamed askanim in the Eida Chareidit as saying that if the mayor moves ahead with the plan, “the city will be up in flames and we will fight at any price towards eliminating the inclusion of women in ad campaigns on buses that travel through chareidi areas. If buses are not entering Meah Shearim today, tomorrow, they will not enter any chareidi neighborhood”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. From the perspective of many of the hilonim, “Die Juden sind unser Unglück!” It was not without wisdom that the Rabbanim warned of the dangers of zionism from the very beginning. The zionist goal of a secular modern state is incompatible with our continued existence.

  2. The thing about extremism is that once it gets going, its hard to stop. Sometimes it goes further than the instigators orignally wanted. The Eida HaCharedis makes thinly vieled threats to vandalize property and create chaos, and then wonders why its experiencing a wave of violence and extremism from the sikrikim, Taliban women, and hooligan kids who throw rocks and burn trash.

    The Eida HaChareids leadership has a choice to make: stop trying to intimidate other people to folllow its shittos, or accept a completely lawless society.

  3. When you want to see if someone is earnest in what they believe in or not, you need to see if they live with contradictions. If there are contradictions, then it is a sign that they are not earnest.

    Women’s Rights implies treating women as equals and not as second class or sex objects.

    Anyone who is at all familiar with the advertisement industry is well aware of the fact that women are used in advertisement in order to connect sexuality with the product; thus enticing the consumer to use their product. (Note: I have spoken to many people in the industry and they do not hide this fact at all. Go and ask if you don’t believe me.)

    Based on this fact, these women (in the article) are actually acting in contradiction to their cause. This is not surprising because in reality they really don’t care about women’s rights. In reality they are anti-religionists hiding behind a mask.

    Call a Spade a Spade!!!! HIPPOCRATES!!!!!!!

  4. Why can’t the government let peace reign? Why is he looking for trouble? If the people in Meah Shearim don’t want posters with women on them, respect it. Why do they need fire, garbage, etc. all over the place? They should already know (even w/o a warning from Eida Chareidit) that this will just cause chaos there.

  5. i have a suggestion for a new grpup “chareidi rights” why dont these rotten people grow up. the mishkav zochor have a right to ram their garbage in everyones face. any council meeting about that abomination or ddo they only have emergency meetings about the catastrophe of youth becoming religious after seeing how empty their lives are?

  6. ariinmd- get a grip. this neighborhood has the right to follow religion. its not their fault that members of MS are attracted to a cult. these people are anti-Hashem and His torah, and they dont give two hoots for womens rights. zionism shows its true self once again.

  7. Thank you Ger for supporting a secular candidate against a Chareidi for mayor of Jerusalem because of your petty power struggles.
    That is your problem, not your beating up of Sikrikim.

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