Detroit: VP Biden To Give Keynote At Yeshiva Bais Yehuda Dinner

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is expected to give keynote remarks at a fundraiser for an Orthodox Jewish day school.

The White House says in a release that the annual Yeshiva Beth Yehudah dinner will be held today at the downtown Detroit Marriott Hotel.

Biden has said he’ll speak about foreign policy and U.S. support for Israel at the dinner. The school is in Southfield, just north of Detroit.

Biden also is scheduled to speak today at a fundraiser at the hotel for fellow Democrat and U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow. Stabenow is up for re-election next year.

(Source: Detroit Free Press)

16 Responses

  1. Oy gevalt! How could a heilige yeshiva have a KNOWN anti-semite speak at a dinner. I don;t want to make the comparison to what this would be like in eUrope in 1939!!!

    I have to asume this article is a joke and that no orthodox instituition let alone a YESHIVA would have this man enter their building to speak IN the beis medresh!!!

  2. This sounds like it will be in a dining hall for a dinner, not in a beis medrash. Throughout our history we have had to deal with enemies of Klal Yisroel and be friendly with them.

  3. I am an alumnus of Bais Yehuda, and I am totally appalled! They always have these kinds of well known speakers at their dinners, as they cater to a completely (or almost completely) secular crowd at these dinners, but this just takes the cake!

  4. Menachem and flatbush;
    This Yeshivah is run by someone who can see past the tip of hus nose. As oppose to the yeshivas you are associated with that pack their dinners with the parent body plus a few friend of honorees, Bais Yehuda draws on the hundreds of nebach fry Jews in the area. having Joe Biden or any of the other political figures that they have had brings this crowd and your administrators would be smart to try and follow suit.
    This “anti-Semite” is helping a yeshiva raise untapped money from outside the overburdened community. what (other then sling mud) did you do today?

  5. I am also an alumnus of YBY. But if anyone has followed them with any interest, they’d know that the community dinner at YBY is always aimed at the frei community, and it raises a huge amount of money from non conventional sources. And the politics of the honorees and guest speakers are quite aggravating to your average Rush Limbaugh type yeshivishe fan. Nothing new here. The only chidush is that the guest speaker is currently in office, so the secret service is making the community nuts with security screening. Dinner starts at 5:00 PM, and teh community is being asked to arrive between 3:00 and 3:30 because of the metal detecters.

  6. Biden said Pollard would be released over “My dead body”. He further Stated he stopped Obama from releasing him. How can any jewish organiztion give this Sonei Yisroel a forum to speak and spew his lies and democratic talking points. Its unbelieveable. Everyone should boycott the dinner and withold financial support

  7. America is a medina shel chesed! We have to be makir tov to our leaders! It is appalling, disgusting, wrong and ignorant to refer to our VP as an anti-semite.

    It is an honor to have the Vice President of the greatest country in the world address your school dinner.

    Thank you Bais Yehuda for having the VP speak at your dinner. It is also a great opportunity to be mechanech your students about the importance of respect and hakoras hatov to our country.

  8. Admit you should have gone and asked VP biden to explain his (fall guy) position on pollard.
    Anyone familiar with the Yeshivah and their dinners know the Guest speakers have included many liberals guess what that what most ‘frei’ american jews are and that’s why the Yeshiva draws such a huge secular jewih crowd.
    Next time you get a letter or email from your yeshivah ask them how are you tapping the huge secular jewish community in NY????
    I bet if bais yehuda was in NY they would be on blumbergs foundation list of recipients…. Is your yeshivah?

  9. 6. As an alumnus of YGGD and as a son of a YBY alumnus, if they brought in Rush I GUARANTEE you the place would see out and they would make a mint on the dinner.

  10. 13. Call him what you wish but all other spies who have spied for enemies, have served shorter sentences.

    Joe Bite Me was proudly proclaiming he was against Polard being released.

  11. Mark (F. Lee) Levin, oh great one: I have noticed your comments over the years, and your choice of a screen name. I know that you and I stand on the same side in our political view of the world.

    However, you must be blind if you don’t know that the frei world out there is overwhelmingly on the other side. There is huge money in that world, and YBY is one of the very few mosdos that has been successful in tapping into that market. That path was blazed by Rabbi Nachman Kahn, oh, and yblct, Rav Shmuel Kaufman. Gary Torgow and his staff has continued down that path, quite successfully, I might add.

    There were 2500 people at that dinner. If you remove the staff, who must go and doesn’t contribute much anyway, there were probably less than 5% of the crowd that is frum. The Chareidi right wing element would be next to zero. The other 95% gives millions. Have you seen what YBY looks like lately? Other than the Meer family, none of those major dedications have come from frum people. 90% or more of those people would be offended big time if someone as polarizing as Rush would come and speak.

    One can argue if the mehalech that they choose is correct al pi daas Torah. They don’t ask my opinion, and I don’t offer it. But to say that from a simple dollars and cents perspective, they can meet their goals by switching political affiliations of their honorees and entertainment, is simply ignoring the facts.

    I deal with non frum people on a regular basis. I have long ago learned that you must pick your battles. You must first sell them on the religion, and the politics will follow. I NEVER mention Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, or anyone or anything political. Why waste an argument about the goyim, even if they’re right? If i can get them to move on Shabbos, kashrus, and Jewish Education, the rest will follow. And even if it doesn’t, I still know that I didn’t burn my bridge on non Torah topics.

  12. Pollard spied and betrayed our country. Bidens position is a legitimate position even if you disagree with him. Would you oppose Donald Rumsfeld speaking at a Yeshiva dinner? Both men have strong pro Israel records yet believe that Pollard must continue to pay for his crimes.

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