Herman Cain Compares Himself To ‘Moses’, Says God Convinced Him To Run For President

Herman Cain, whose campaign could use some redemption in the wake of a harassment scandal, told a crowd of young Republicans on Saturday that God convinced him to run for president and that he “prayed and prayed and prayed” about it.

The Republican contender made no mention of the allegations from former subordinates at the National Restaurant Association. But his comments were accented with more than the usual references to his faith and his calling to politics.

“I prayed and prayed and prayed. I’m a man of faith, I had to do a lot of praying for this one, more praying than I’d ever done before in my life,” Cain told a crowd of more than 100 at the Young Republican National Federation, an event hosted by the Georgia Young Republicans at the Westin Peachtree Plaza. “And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses: ‘You’ve got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'”

Once he made the decision to run, the former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza said, “I did not look back. And one of the misperceptions that some people have (is) that I’m not in this to win it. I’m in this to win it, or I wouldn’t be in it! I’m not going anywhere!”

Cain has repeatedly said in recent days he will stay in the race in spite of the swirl of accusations that have tarnished his campaign and halted his upward momentum in national polls.

(Source: CBS News)

14 Responses

  1. A president who believes in G-d and feels a duty to do what he’s told — never in 21st century America. The politically correct crowd who control the mass media will never stand for it (which might explain the outrageous charges against him)

  2. akuperma,

    someone that thinks he’s doing something “because he got a message from G-d” and he’s “like Moses” is not a sane candidate and could do other things like persecute us “because G-d told him to”

  3. Okay, you go vote for someone who is an agnostic at best.

    If a goy believes he is doing something good, that would be good for us, because he believes that is what G-d wants him to do, I don’t believe we should complain.

  4. If media darling obama said something like this, they would hold of him like the next coming. You libs and closet libs gotta take a chill pill!

  5. What you people don’t realize is that when someone like this says God has spoken to him he does not at all mean to say that he is a prophet. It is a way of speaking, he means that he feels very strongly about it and he feels the “yad Hashem” guiding him. The words throw us off because in our community they would have the connotation implying he is a navi sheker, but it is very clear that such a thing is not his intention. It is standard speech of any Christian preacher.

  6. This is how every normal Xian speaks. There’s nothing remarkable about it, and the fact that people find it remarkable is a sad indication of how far atheism has spread, and how divorced people are from religion.

  7. I lost my faith in this one. He thinks he is a savior and I don’t need him to save me. He’s out on to the next. Romney is my man. Lets not spread thin and choose a weak candidate to go up against Obama. We can’t afford to let him have another 4 years with his feet up on our furniture.

  8. If you support Romney you may as well stick with Obama. If we must have a socialist president, let him at least be a Democrat so we can replace him in four years!

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