Eretz Yisrael: New Vaad Tznius For Yeshiva Bochrim

There is a new vaad in Yerushalayim, established this past week, to address tznius issues for yeshiva bochrim living in apartments. The vaad will be keeping an eye on the behavior of talmidim and their interaction in their neighborhood, seeking to prevent clashes with neighborhood residents.

According to a Kikar Shabbat report, the new vaad has already drawn up a list of regulations and it will offer a telephone to report infractions. The new vaad, which will operate in Beis Yisrael, Geula, Meah Shearim, Gush 80 and the surrounding area is supported by community rabbonim and will hopefully provide a solution for neighbors who feel the yeshiva bochrim next door are a nuisance.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Please tell me this is a bad joke.

    If this vaad hatznius has anything to do with the so called “vaad hatznius” that runs around Geula on Fridays spraying women with bleach and pushing them- not with their hands Chas Veshalom, but with their shoulders and signs- this is a dark day for klal yisroel.

  2. How about forming a vaad to patrol the parents of kids so that they act responsible towards their kids. This way when the kids grow up, they will be responsible bochrim.

    Too many parents are overly forceful and not caring enough. This creates kids who feel unloved and hence bochrim who don’t care much for people around them.

  3. Shouldn’t all of those eager volunteers that the Vaad will attract be learning?

    Methinks we’re about to see something really bad happen

  4. “the new vaad has already drawn up a list of regulations”
    “is supported by community rabbonim”

    Have these Rabbonim approved the list of regulations?

  5. What are they calling it Vaad HaTzniyus with all the flack that those words come with? They should call themselves “Vaad HaShicheinim” or something like that.

  6. How about a “Vaad Hatznius” to regulate the crazies of Meah SHearim, Geula, and surrounding area? Stop the internal violence, destruction of property and let us call the Police, Fire and Ambulance Service again.

    Leave the Americans alone, they are paying thru their nose for dumpy, moldy, unheated apartments that are rented as prime real estate….& concentrate on Israeli neighborhood problems.

  7. Tsnius has become a mishagash. You don’t see Haredi woman in immodest clothing or anybody on the prowl. Often what it means is that woman don’t answer the door, wearing ugly clothes and things like that.

    The problems of bochurim tend to be smoking in a brazen way, slovenliness, and frivolity.

    Things that need attention are rational construction of both apartments and shuls. Often the additions to apartments are noisy, dirty, and ruin the place. Construction of shuls takes often take years with the associated bother.

  8. Amazing!

    Not only are Zionists and tourists are on the target list, but now even Yeshiva bochurim! But to #1 I do not know if they will use bleach as it will only encourage the Yeshiva bochurim to clean their white shirts.

  9. Bochurim who are sent to E”Y to learn have no supervision. This is a positive step.

    The vaad hatznius is a self proclaimed group that does not have the backing of any Rabbonim or Rabbinical organizations. They are just a group of fanatics who took it upon themselves to judge others and lash out their own damage on those they feel do not comply with their standards.

  10. What a bad idea! Encouraging people to be “dan l’kaf chov” and to call a loshon horah line to be moser on every little thing they see. How about speaking nicely to the bochurim and befriending them, while respectfully asking them to keep the noise down, etc? And you wonder why so many kids r”l are going off the derech – too much social pressure and interferences for some struggling kids.

  11. #2 – Although you are certainly on the money, but it goes both ways. There should be a Vaad to patrol the parents that allow their 12-13 year olds free acsess to the internet. How often do we find young Yeshiva Bochrim texting with their own phones. Who do you thing pays for these phones? These parents will have to give Din V’cheshbon. And who are the first ones to be yelling about the problem of “teens at risk”.

  12. Of course the “story” doesn’t say what the supposed problems were. I will bet the “Vaad” is comprised of a bunch of rabble rousing laydigayers like 3 & 5 above.

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