Rav Berland: Achdus Can Beat Iran

Breslov Rosh Yeshiva (Shuvu banim), HaRav Eliezer Berlind Shlita released a statement addressing growing concerns regarding Iran.

According to a Kikar Shabbat report quoting the rav, the rosh yeshiva stated “There are threats from Iran but achdus in Am Yisrael will emerge the victor”. The rosh yeshiva reportedly made his statement on Wednesday, 12 Cheshvan during a shiur at Beis Bracha in Jerusalem.

Some 300 avreichim were present for the shiur, from Shavu Banim yeshivos in Ashdod, Bat Yam, Bnei Brak and other cities.

The rosh yeshiva addressed the Iranian threat against Israel, stating if there is achdus we will be successful, and “there will be revealed miracles such as the miracle during the time of Haman the wicked who sought to annihilate the Jewish People and at the end, Hashem made a big miracle”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. This actually makes me feel much better. If we all act nice to each other and don’t let small things (or big things!) get to us, and if we all truly have ahavas Yisrael, we can overcome all these horrible reshaim out there, because we will truly have Hashem on our side! Let’s go for it!

  2. @ahavas_yisroel,

    thats a nice thought but we’re better off with the military option since in this day and age, Klal Yisrael has wayyy too much invested in being divided.

    For some it’s even a self imposed division.

    It’s like the old joke of a Jew being rescued on a desert island and the rescuer sees two shuls..why do you need two shuls? because that one I daven in and that one I will never step foot in as long as I live.

    We’ve become different waring factions who just happen source material, and the leadership has no interest in stopping it.

  3. cleverjewishpun

    “We’ve become different waring factions who just happen source material, and the leadership has no interest in stopping it.”

    Please stop blaming things on the leadership. Whenever the leadership wants to do something they get second guessed triple guessed and trashtalked by baal habattim who think they are all that because they have some money or whatever.

    Face reality, things will change when we decide to change ourselves. The leaders cant change you, only YOU can change you.

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