MTA Cans ‘Please Be Patient’ Announcement After Years of Complaints

New Yorkers aren’t known for their patience. And instructing them to “please be patient” when they’re trapped in a stalled subway underground – even for 30 seconds – often serves more as a frustrating reminder of their plight than a friendly message of encouragement.

Now, it appears, the MTA has figured this out.

The transit agency has scrapped its “please be patient” announcements in favor of more mollifying messages that actually apologize to straphangers for whatever service disruptions they endure, reports The New York Post.

Other announcements thank passengers for their patience during those times.

The switch comes after years of gripes from straphangers about the galling “please be patient” announcements. Many complainants perceived the message as “an admonishment,” MTA spokesman Kevin Ortiz told the Post.


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