State of Emergency Declared at Ben-Gurion Airport [UPDATED 13:15 IL]

A state of emergency was declared at Ben-Gurion International Airport a short time ago, on Wednesday, November 09, 2011, when the pilot of a Continental Airlines 777 jumbo radioed the cabin was filling with smoke. The flight number of the plane is not being reported at this time.

Emergency procedures were immediately implemented, which included diverting air traffic to open and emergency landing route for the jumbo jet in distress. Ambulances and fire trucks began responding and the entire airport shifted to emergency status, preparing for a disaster chas v’sholom. Ambulances responded from a number of districts, including Petach Tikvah, Ayalon, Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Givatayim, Rishon L’Tzion, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh, and Gush Dan.

Baruch Hashem the flight with over 280 people on board touched down without incident.

YWN-Israel will provide additional details as they become available.

UPDATE 13:05: While officials are not releasing the flight number, it is now being reported that the flight cabin began filling with smoke shortly following takeoff. The only Continental flight that departed from Tel Aviv shortly before the state of emergency was declared was flight CO 085 to Newark. This is unconfirmed however.

UPDATE 13:15: Continental officials report the smoke condition was in a kitchen, not the cockpit and the pilot made the decision to turn back shortly following takeoff.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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