Ohio Voters Reject Republican-Backed Union Limits

The state’s new collective bargaining law was defeated Tuesday after an expensive union-backed campaign that pitted firefighters, police officers and teachers against the Republican establishment.

In a political blow to GOP Gov. John Kasich, voters handily rejected the law, which would have limited the bargaining abilities of 350,000 unionized public workers. With more than a quarter of the votes counted late Tuesday, 63 percent of votes were to reject the law.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said victory for unions was achieved among Democrats and Republicans in urban and rural counties.

“Ohio sent a message to every politician out there: Go in and make war on your employees rather than make jobs with your employees, and you do so at your own peril,” he said.


One Response

  1. There is no doubt had this been put to the voters in a normal election year, it would have WON with big numbers. Alas, the union members out voted the people who pay them. If FDR was right about one thing (and it was probably ONLY one thing!) it is that there should NOT be public sector unions.

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