Former US Ambassador Bolton: Israel Has No Option Other Than Attacking Iran

Former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton was interviewed by Fox News. The interview comes amid growing expectations surrounding the International Atomic Energy Agency releases its latest report on Iran’s nuclear program. The report is the agency’s 32nd since 2003.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad remains true to his colors, boldly announcing he does not need a nuclear weapon to take on the United States, and he is ready and willing for such a challenge. Ahmadinejad called the IAEA a “puppet of the United States”.

Experts point out as little as 110 pounds of highly enriched uranium is what is needed to make an atom bomb. Iran today has thousands of pounds of low-grade enriched uranium.

Bolton feels that IAEA leader Yukiya Amano has been much more “forthright” in describing what is actually taking place in Iran regarding the nuclear program than his predecessor.

When asked how far Iran is from making a bomb, Bolton stated it is difficult to say for certain since the United States lacks this intelligence information despite people “confidentially predicting such a reality is 18-months away”. He feels that Israeli predications are more realistic and that is why there is all the talk of an imminent Israeli strike.

Bolton feels the US should strike, or at the very least work with Israel, but admits this is far from likely with the Obama administration, and therefore, “while the United States could do it better, Israel has no other option”, adding Jerusalem does have the ability to strike the facilities in question.

“The most likely outcome now is that Iran gets nuclear weapons. They have been at it for last 20 years despite the famous 2007 national intelligence estimate in which our intelligence stated Iran stopped the weaponization program when clearly they did not”.

“The only alternative now is a preemptive military strike either by the United States or Israel. Diplomacy has failed. Sanctions have failed… We are down to two very unattractive options”.

Bolton states he would have preferred preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons by launching a preemptive strike months ago from Israel or the United States, but he reiterates the Obama administration is not likely to do it.

The former ambassador is speaking of targeting a uranium conversion facility and enrichment facility, not an all-out war, but surgical strikes, which he says Israel is more than capable of carrying out. He stresses the locations and dimensions of the facilities are known so such an attack is doable.


Is Israel posturing or actually planning a strategy?


I think Israel is planning but I don’t really think Israel is doing the talking [regarding the press leaks]. It seems to be coming from sources inside the government who oppose a military strike and are trying to create an environment that it is impossible to move forward, and to an extent it has succeeded.

We have the Russian foreign minister saying a military solution is unacceptable and the French foreign minister has said the same thing. They are putting pressure on Israel not to strike.


And you think they should?


I don’t see that Israel has any other choice. It is either strike or see a nuclear Iran.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Is Bolton putting on his army uniform to be the first one to shoot a bullet, or does he plan to be in Tel Aviv when the Shahab 3 missiles are launched from Iran? In all likelihood he will still be getting his hefty media consultant fees from the comfort of his American living room.
    Imagine someone telling thousands of other people to be prepared to give up their lives. It makes me sick.

  2. The United States and Russia had thousands of nuclear weapons and none were ever fired. In the meantime even North Korea has only made (maybe) ONE bomb. Whereas the Zionist State of Israel has 230 nuclear warheads, enough to destroy all the cities of Europe. Which situation is preferable to Mr. Bolton?
    Is he willing to give up his consultant’s salary to pay for medical services for thousands of people who will be wounded in Tel Aviv??

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