MK Danon Demands Obama Apologize Following ‘Open-Mic’ Incident

Likud MK Danny Danon has called on US President Barak Obama to apologize to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the State of Israel following his disparaging remarks in what he thought was a private exchange with French President Nicolas Sarkozy. In reality, it was an open-mic incident and the White House faux pas is now being reported on by the international media.

Danon added that “anyone who was still unclear on President Obama’s feelings about Israel no longer has any doubt – Obama is bad for Israel”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Way bad from day one without a doubt! Any show of solidarity was a representation of congress and the people of the United States. I am a true believer of the old saying “give a people enough rope and they will eventually hang themselves with it”. Obama has been tightening the noose around his neck all by himself not only with his words but with his actions time and time again. He is a phony leader just like we have seen with all the Arab leaders who’s citizens have removed one way or another. Lets not be stupid. The Arabs knew its time to get rid of rotten apples. Lets learn from that.

  2. And if he apologizes – what does that mean? NOTHING. when someone apologizes because he is “demanded” to do so, it holds no credibility whatsoever.
    I’d rather he not apologize. He is who he is – an anti-Israel/ anti-semite! Period!

  3. France is bad for Israel (as well as the rest of the “civilized” world). Obama may be bad for the US (depending on your personal political agenda) but he said nothing here to indicate he is “bad” for Israel. If this is bad, other presidents were evil.

  4. The bellyaching of the people commenting on this blog reminds of the guy who was doing 90mph with a car full of kids on 60 mph road and gets a ticket for speeding and says the cop must be an anti-semite, because he gave him a ticket for speeding.

  5. Isn’t everything the USA does for your medinah good enough? All that US taxpayer gelt shoveled to the medinah every year? Netanyahu is man enough to defend himself. He doesn’t need a knufia of squealing babies to defend him. Hikind needs to concentrate on his job in Albany or resign and become a full-time spokesman of the medinah with Malcolm Hoenlein……

  6. What’s an apology going to do?
    He should get up and admit that he has an anti israel bias, and is unable to be objective about the issues.

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