Caught On Open Mike: Obama & Sarkozy ‘Trash-Talk’ Netanyahu

There can no longer be any doubt as to US President Barak Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s feelings for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

The two world leaders were attending the G20 summit and they were obviously unaware that the microphone at their side was on, and not off as they assumed. Sarkozy initiated the conversation, telling the US president “I cannot stand him. He is a liar”, in reference to the Israeli leader, to which the US president responded “You’ve had enough but I have to deal with him every day!”

The French website “Arret sur Images” reports the event occurred following a joint press conference, after the two leaders moved to a meeting room to engage in a private discussion. It took about three minutes until it was realized that the private conversation was being transmitted to those who still had headphones from the previous event, which included many members of the press. It appears that journalists present signed an agreement not to publicize the incident, explaining the modest coverage of the incident which would otherwise enjoy widespread coverage.

According to the report, President Obama also criticized Sarkozy for not giving him advance notice that France would support the PA (Palestinian Authority) bid for inclusion in UNESCO.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Trash people say trash about others. If you only asked what Obama thinks of Sarkozy, or asked Sarkozy what he thinks of Obama, then you would get the full picture as to how trashy both are.

  2. When an acquaintance makes an extremely adverse comment about someone you must work with on a regular basis, the diplomatic thing for the you, listener, to do is to say something neutral or ambiguous, not to affirmatively agree with it. That is what President Obama did when President Obama heard President Sarkozy call Prime Minister Netanyahu a “liar.” Being diplomatic is part of being the US president.

    Contrary to the first sentence of this article, President Obama did not affirmatively say anything adverse about Prime Minister Netanyahu, though he did acquiesce in a negative comment by another head of state. Maybe Mr. Obama does not like Mr. Netanyahu – indeed, maybe he agrees with Commenter No. 1 and myriad Israeli critics of Mr. Netanyahu. But Mr. Obama did not say so, he merely ignored the insult delivered by another head of state. The conclusion to which the Jerusalem Desk of YWN jumped – that Mr. Obama agrees with Mr. Sarkozy’s assessment of Mr. Netanyahu’s character – is not supported by the facts as reported.

    And for those of you who think that there are no Israelis or non-Israeli Jews who agree with Mr. Sarkozy, look back at a few articles in YWN about Mr. Netanyahu and, particularly, his relationship with Jewish settlers in Judea and Shomron.

  3. 6 (nfgo3)

    Its been a while since we saw your posts. Perhaps when you look in the mirror you will see the long lost charliehall?

    So do you EVER EVER EVER criticize the anointed one or are his socialist uber leftist views and actions always ok with you?

  4. To No. 7:

    1. I do not know what charliehall looks like, so if he has been in my mirror, I would not know who he is. He is not me.

    2. There is plenty to criticize about President Obama. He has failed to educate you and others, including your fellow-travelers in the US House of Representatives, about the wisdom and necessity of deficit spending at the present time, and the folly of austerity in a recession. He has too readily compromised with his uncompromising opponents.

    3. I have never heard an Obama supporter suggest that he is “anointed”. That is an accusation of hyperbole by his opponents and detractors, and an exaggeration of his supporters’ support for him. It is a cheap trick, but that is, evidently, all that his conservative critics can muster against him.

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