Trial For Levi Aron To be Held In Brooklyn

The Brooklyn man accused of killing Leiby Kletzky will have to face trial in Brooklyn after an appeals court skewered his bid for a change of venue.

Levi Aron sought to move his murder and kidnapping trail to Suffolk County or, failing that, The Bronx, citing considerable media attention to the murder of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky, who had gotten lost in Bough Park on his first trip home alone from day camp and died at Aron’s hands in July 2011.

“Current defense counsel’s attempts to correct inaccurate information and to redirect the public to seek justice through trial instead of vengeance have been ignored,” wrote Jennifer McCann, Aron’s lawyer.

The Brooklyn District Attorney opposed the ove, noting that that there are nearly 500,000 people eligible for jury duty in Brooklyn, and that there are far fewer Jews in Suffolk and Bronx Counties than in the Borough of Churches.

The Appellate Division ruled last week that the trial should stay in Brooklyn, but said the defense could re-apply after the jury pool was questioned.

(Source: NY Post)

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