Rabbonim Of Dati Leumi Tzibur Meet To Discuss Expulsions

Leading Rabbonim affiliated with the dati leumi community have met to discuss what appears to be a government plan to eradicate outposts located in Yehuda and Shomron.

HaRav Dov Lior Shlita (Rav of Kiryat Arba and member of the Chief Rabbinate Supreme Court), HaRav Zalman Melamed Shlita (Rav of Beit El), and HaRav Chaim Steiner Shlita met earlier this week with leading rabbonim of the Bayit HaYehudi, Rabbi Chaim Druckman Shlita, Rabbi Tzefanya Drori Shlita and Rabbi Eitan Eisman Shlita.

The rabbonim felt compelled to discuss the bleak reality resulting from a Supreme Court ruling, compelling the government to tear down a number of growing communities, referred to by the court as “outposts”. This comes after the destruction of three permanent homes in Migron and the more recent destruction of newly renovated homes in Bat Ayin.

The communities on the chopping block include Givat Assaf, Amona, Migron, and the Ulpana neighborhood in Beit El. All of the homes/communities targeted are situated in the Binyamin Regional Council area of Shomron.

While the nation’s highest court does compel the government to act, MK (HaBayit HaYehudi) Zevulun Orlev explained the government is not left without options. It can legalize the so-called outposts, thereby creating a new reality. Nevertheless, many critics of the Netanyahu administration accuse Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of talking a good talk but in reality, this administration has torn down homes while the previous administration has built. The rabbonim, along with settlement leaders are gravely concerned that in addition to the destruction of the homes in the communities mentioned, this would chas v’sholom open a door to another major expulsion, the removal of entire communities in a final status solution with the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Orlev has submitted a bill calling to legalize Migron, Givat Assaf, the Ulpana neighborhood and Amona, hoping to compel the government to act.

Adding to the problem is the reality that the defense minister, Ehud Barak, is no friend of the settlement movement, yet the prime minister has granted him the authority to act as he wishes. It is the Defense Ministry that authorizes communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

YWN-Israel recent reported Barak has recently rejected a plan to expand a Beit El shul, strictly in retaliation for ongoing construction in the community, which the left-wing minister views as an affront to his authority.

In the meantime, MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Yaakov Katz, a founder of Beit El, continues to call for ousting Netanyahu and his left-wing government, hoping national elections will show the nation’s dissatisfaction with the current administration and its policies vis-à-vis communities in Yehuda and Shomron.

In a related matter, security forces during the night destroyed three structures in the Ohz Tzion outpost located in the Binyamin region as wells. Twelve people were taken into custody during the police action.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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