Israel: Sharp Increase In Fines For Moving Violations

The government is working to increase the fines for vehicle moving violations. In the coming weeks, an official request will be submitted for approval to the Knesset Finance Committee. The increase will impact 12 moving violations.

Ministry of Transportation officials hope the sharp increase will “choke drivers” into acting responsibly and avoid breaking the law due to the costly price that will have to be paid.

New regulations may also result in harsher actions, such as suspending licenses, impounding vehicles and other measures intended to result in increased compliance with vehicular law. Habitual offenders will also be flagged as ‘priority cases’ and they will be pushed ahead of the traffic court agenda towards expediting judicial intervention and punishment.

Following are some of the violations, current fines and suggested increased fines:

Failing to stop for a red signal, 1,000 NIS – 1,500 NIS
Illegal left turn of U turn from left lane – 250 NIS – 750 NIS
U turn without adequate visibility of oncoming traffic 250 NIS – 500 NIS
Driving in a public transportation vehicle land – 250 NIS – 500 NIS
Driving on a sidewalk or bicycle land – 500 NIS – 750 NIS
ATV vehicles exceeding maximum speed – 100 NIS – 500 NIS
Passing a vehicle that has yielded to pedestrians, such as at crosswalk – 500 NIS – 1,000 NIS
Entering an intersection that is not clear  (gridlock) – 500 NIS – 750 NIS
Failure to place children in car seats and seatbelts – 250 NIS – 500 NIS
Not wearing a helmet on 2 wheeled or ATV – 250 NIS – 500 NIS

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. No matter how much the fines are increased, they will have no effect if the police continue to ignore traffic violations as they do now.

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