Eretz Yisroel: Saying V’Sein Tal Umatar Is Followed By Stormy Weather

Baruch Hashem, as Yidden in Eretz Yisroel began reciting V’Sein Tal Umatar on 7 Cheshvan, Thursday night, the rains began in Yerushalayim and elsewhere, and the rainfall since then has been quite significant.

In northern regions, the weather on Shabbos was quite wintry, as a dusting of snow was visible in Nahariya, Akko and the Kraiyot areas. Residents of Kiryat Motzkin, Kiryat Yam, Akko, Nahariya and Shavei Tzion reported hail on Shabbos afternoon. The reports state that heavy hail came down for about ten minutes and the ground was covered in a while blanket as a result.

Sunday’s forecast calls for unseasonably cold temperatures around the country.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. We have to wait about 4 weeks before joining them in this prayer.
    Last year the first rains came only in December after all of us began saying V’Sein Tal Umatar.

  2. you dont understand really like 20 min after maariv it was such a rainstrom soooo much rain for like 15 min. right after everyone said vsain tal umatar LEVRACHA!
    CHASDAI HASHEM. i think everyone in israel felt a real yad hashem

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