Cain Rises In Post-ABC Poll Despite Scandal; Most Republicans Dismiss Allegations

Businessman Herman Cain and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney are running nearly even atop the field of 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows, with most Republicans dismissing the harassment allegations that over the past week have roiled Cain’s campaign.

Seven in 10 Republicans say reports that Cain made unwanted advances toward two employees when he was head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s — allegations which have been stiffly rebutted by Cain’s campaign — do not matter when it comes to picking a candidate.

Seven in 10 Republicans say reports that Cain made unwanted advances toward two employees when he was head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s — allegations which have been stiffly rebutted by Cain’s campaign — do not matter when it comes to picking a candidate.

But the potential threat to his burgeoning campaign is evident as well, with Cain slipping to third place among those who see the charges as serious, and Republican women significantly more likely than men to say the scandal makes them less apt to support Cain.

The poll was conducted Oct. 31 through Nov. 3, starting the evening after Politico first reported the harassment allegations. Support for Cain was basically steady over the four nights of interviewing, even as new charges against him surfaced.

Nearly a quarter of all Republicans and GOP-leaning independents now back Cain as the party’s nominee, his best showing in Post-ABC polls this year, and up significantly from early October. At 23 percent nationally, Cain is neck-and-neck with Romney (24 percent) atop the GOP field.


3 Responses

  1. He’s not been accused of anything very severe (unlike former President Clinton or former Governor Spitzer). He’s basically accused of “flirting” which really isn’t all that serious, and also of acting rudely while intoxicated. For a goy, that really isn’t a big issue. However the accusers are appealing to a vicious racial stereotype that most conservatives are aware of, which is why they are outraged,which is why support for Cain is growing.

    Plus his “999” tax plan, which includes abolition of the payroll (social security tax) is actually realistic and would put the country (including social security and medicare) on a sound footing so we don’t turn into a replay of the mess happening in Europe due to public spending in excess of revenue.

  2. Thats because so far THERE IS NO SCANDAL! How can you deny something which was fabricated in the first place by the Washington Compost blog aka Politico??? Its not possible. THERE IS NO STORY!

  3. the real facts about what happened are unknown, at this point. one fact that is known, he has lied about the what transpired–saying the same day that he did not know & was unaware of any settlement in the case, then giving details of the SETTLEMENT he supposedly knew nothing about.
    akuperma-“not been accused of anything very severe” that’s like surgery- it’s minor if it’s someone else, it’s major if it’s you.

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