Mayor Bloomberg Compares Parking Illegally To Murdering Your Parents

The following is from the Politicker NY:

Mayor Bloomberg was asked about New York City’s unpopular sanitation parking stickers during his weekly appearance on John Gambling’s WOR radio show today. A Brooklyn councilman has introduced a bill that would ban the stickers, which are placed on cars that violate alternate side parking rules and are incredibly difficult to remove, but Mayor Bloomberg told Mr. Gambling he supports the stickers and he compared people who break the rules to someone murdering their parents and not understanding why they have to go to jail.

“If people are complaining, then we should keep doing it,” Mayor Bloomberg said of the stickers.

Mayor Bloomberg explained to Mr. Gambling that New Yorkers can avoid the stickers entirely by obeying parking regulations.

“I mean–don’t break the law. It’s almost like, you know, you murder your parents and then you say to the judge, ‘But I’m an orphan, you can’t put me in jail.’ Don’t murder your parents, you don’t have, you’re not an orphan, and in this case, don’t break the law you don’t have to worry about it,” Mayor Bloomberg said.

Mayor Bloomberg said he supports the stickers because “the Sanitation Department says it’s even more effective than a fine.” The Mayor clearly has no sympathy for people who break the rules, but he did suggest one potential remedy for those who are up in arms with the stickers.

“If you don’t like the law of cleaning the streets or alternate side, change that, but don’t go break the law,” Mayor Bloomberg said.

(Source: Politicker)

16 Responses

  1. its an expression…he made no such comparison.

    “dont kill your parents and cry youre an orphan” may be crass, but its just an expression.

  2. It’s about time that parking be recognized as a crisis. Every local candidte should be asked what he is doing about the parking crisis.

  3. He seems to pick on the small things, i.e., smoking in public parks, observing parking violations, sugar, trans-fat, and overlook the big things, i.e., business-destroying, vagrant-attracting, Woodstock-of-the-21st-century in Lower Manhattan.

  4. I hate Bloomberg. With that being said, this is a dumb headline. His words were completely taken out of context. All he is trying to say, is that if you break a rule, then be ready to pay the consequence.

  5. In Montreal a car goes in front of the cleaning truck to give the tickets. But after truck passed you can park and never get a ticket even if the sign says alternate side parking is for another hour. Why can’t it be like this in New York?

  6. Ever hear of overcrowding? Maybe the sanitation department should keep to a more specific schedule and not be so vague. The entire neighborhood is blocked from parking for 3 hours at a time. What are we supposed to do with ALL the cars? Where are you supposed to put them? Float them in the air Mr. Bloomberg? Not go to work? Not shop that day or cancel all appointments?

    Maybe the sanitation department should make a tighter schedule so one block is limited for one hour and another block for another hour and so on and you don’t lock out a whole neighborhood for an entire morning and another neighborhood for an entire afternoon twice a week.

  7. Mayor Bloomy has a whole bunch of “gaboim” who drive him around town he never worries about getting a ticket or sticker, he just simple can’t understand the normal hard working people

  8. OH PLEASE!The only person who is comparing parking illegally to murdering ones parents is HALEIVI In comment 4 where he writes that its a good comparison! Bloomberg did no such thing.

  9. #6 –
    “Why can’t it be like this in New York?”
    For ONE very good reason.
    The restrictions in New York are for one reason only…
    To MAKE MONEY for the city!!!
    The city would lose out BIG time if no one double-parked, or did other parking violations. They hope for and count on these violations to bring in MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars to the city.

  10. “If people are complaining, then we should keep doing it,” Mayor Bloomberg said of the stickers.

    So if people are complaining abouth the Sanitation Dept. not removing the snow, then they should keep on doing it?

    If people complain about corruption in government, they should keep on doing it?

    If people complain about the NYPD ticket fixing, so they should keep on doing it?

    I guess if people compain about the mayor being nasty and stupid, so then he should just keep on doing it. . . . .

  11. To voosmachstee:

    You hate Bloomberg? He is a Yid. Hate what he stands for, what he does and says, but don’t him! It’s an issur min haTorah.

  12. @HaLevi,

    Parking is a crisis now too?

    Are the male drivers only holding out for spots that would be classified as a size 2 and that have parents that will support the car for 5 years?

  13. Are the male drivers only holding out for spots that would be classified as a size 2

    Actually, the male drivers are the only ones who can fit their car into the size 2 spots.
    So again, too many spots for men; not enough for women. (You can deposit 13k with NASI and they will save you a spot.)

  14. #13 he lives in new york. he is yodeiah es boiro umiskaven limrod bo. it is probably a chiyuv to hate him. that being said, to #12 no he meant that if people are complaining it must hurt. since we WANT it to hurt it must work.
    the real question to ask big mouth big bucks bloomy is, if the stickers work better than tickets, why dont you just use the stickers and not give out anymore tickets? huh?

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