Former NSA Eiland On Attacking Iran

Former National Security Advisor Giora Eiland is among those who do not view an Israeli attack against Iran as an Armageddon scenario. In an interview with Israel Radio, Eiland stated he does not agree with senior government officials and their unfounded concerns surrounding public debate regarding an Israeli military assault against Iran.

According to Eiland, an attack against Iran is not a crazy idea providing the proper precautions and preparation is set into place. He explains that if such an operation is decided upon, it must be effective, that is to say the blow delivered to Iran’s nuclear capabilities must be significant since there will not be a second opportunity.

Eiland detailed that while the government makes the final decision and bears the ultimate responsibility, the IDF’s input in such a case is critical, since the professional viewpoint is essential towards evaluating the risk factor of an assault as opposed to sitting back and permitting Tehran to build an nuclear device, which poses an even greater threat according to most experts. Military experts have already been churning the numbers, presenting senior cabinet ministers with the predicted outcome of an attack, the number of dead and wounded from a counter Iranian attack – but those numbers are dwarfed by the numbers submitted which address Israel after an Iranian attack with a nuclear device. Experts including retired intelligence officer Yossi Kupwasser, a brigadier-general, explain that if Iran is permitted to obtain nuclear independence, that would be the absolute worst scenario and anything short of that would justify an attack against Iran.

Most analysts around the world feel that Israeli can deliver a significant blow to Iran’s nuclear program, at least setting it back a number of years, but there are many logistical considerations which all but make it essential to inform the White House in advance towards receiving backing, even if it is only behind-the-scenes approval. America would most likely use its influential position to compel certain regional leaders to permit Israeli fighter planes to pass through its airspace, not to mention the problems of an Arab nation delivering a warning message to Tehran. American may condemn an Israeli assault in public while giving the behind-the-scenes support that is essential.

Many an expert has stated the rapidly growing Iranian threat is a formidable one for the Western world, but for Israel, and Israel alone, it represents an existential threat.

Eiland, a retired national security advisor and retired IDF major-general, is a senior research associate at the Institute for National Security Studies and holds an M.B.A. and B.A. in economics from Bar Ilan University.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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