Rav David Abuchatzera: Do Not Photograph Me

After the tragic murder of Rav Elazar Abuchatzera Zatzal much was said regarding the midos of the Baba Elazar, including his shmiras einayim, and his refusal to be photographed. The Mekubal wore his hooded robe, which shielded his eyes and prevented others from looking at him. Many a paparazzi photographer attempted to get his picture, albeit without success.

Since the murder, his brother, Rav David Shlita has been working to accept upon himself the standard of the niftar, including the ban on photographers. Chadrei Chareidim reports that in recent weeks, the word has been spreading, and then one may no longer photograph Rav David. Even during visits of prominent supporters, gabbaim have refused to permit them to be photographed with the admor. This same holds true of tzedaka organizations who asked for a photo towards encouraging the tzibur to donate. Their request was met with refusal as well.

It is reported the last photograph of the admor was taken two weeks ago, during a completion of writing of a Sefer Torah in memory of Eliyahu Yisrael Aberman z”l. that Torah was brought to the Kalev beis medrash.

Attending the completion of the Sefer Torah was Rav Aaron Leib Aberman, the father of the niftar and director of Lev Malka. “Two weeks ago we arrived at the site for the completion of the Sefer Torah in memory of my son Eliyahu z”l. The gabbai said ‘photograph, don’t photograph’, seemingly uncertain. The admor added ‘Rav Aberman gets preferential treatment. We have the same mazel. He lost a son and I lost a brother. If I only knew what was going on above, I would be more at ease’”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. As no one will be able to photograph this Tzaddik with such a beautiful Hadras Ponim anymore, previous pictures will become a collectors item.

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