Stirring The Hashkofa Pot In Ra’anana: Petition To Have Buses On Shabbos

An effort by young residents of Ra’anana to have city residents’ sign a petition calling for public transportation in the city on Shabbos appears to be stirring the pot in a city that to date, has been an example of live and let live.

Ra’anana Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Peres explains that while he opposes religious coercion, this is not just a local issue but one that reflects the character of the state as seen in cities nationwide. “This is a Jewish country” the rav explains, and as such, there are certain long-standing policies that reflect the character of the state, such as a cessation of public transportation on Shabbos.

The rav fears the petition, which to date only succeeded in signing up several dozen residents may be just what is needed to begin fueling tensions between the city’s religious and secular residents, which up till now reside together harmoniously.

Ra’anana Mayor Nachum Chofri sees things a bit differently however, telling the media he supports the operating public transportation on Shabbos. The mayor feels that if buses operated seven days a week, it would permit all residents to benefit from what the city have to offer at all times.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. I sure hope they won’t go that far. It is not good for Eretz Yisroel to be mechallel shabbos. We need all the divine protection we can get, and running busses on shabbos is not the way to go.If only they would understand that!

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