Atzeres Tefillah In Flatbush For Rav Moshe Fisher

There will be An Atzeres Tefiloh held tonight in Flatbush, bizchus Refua Shleima for HaRav Moshe Yitzchok Fisher shlita, the Mara DAsra of Khal Bais Yeshaya and Rosh Hayeshivas Derech Hatalmud. Rav Fisher hospitalized one week ago due to a brain injury, and has not as of yet gained consciousness R”L.

Neighborhood Rabbonim including Harav Yosef Frankel shlita, Harav Shmuel Zev Friedman shlita, Harav Bentzion Halberstam shlita, Bostoner Rebbe Harav Pinchos Dovid Halevi Horowitz shlita, Harav Yidel Horowitz shlita and Harav Yitzchok Shteinvurzel shlita will be present and have asked their kehilos to attend.

The Atzeres Tefilah and Divrei Hisorrerus will be held tonight, Monday October 31st at 9:45 PM in Khal Bais Yeshaya – on the corner of Avenue I and East 22nd Street.

Please be Mispallel for Moshe Yitzchok ben Serel.

May Harav Fisher have a Refuah Shleimah besoch shaar colei Yisroel.


3 Responses

  1. A true tzadik and indeed a gentelman and a gentle man. He accepts bochurim to his Yeshiva – giving them a second chance, when other “yeshivas” turn them down.


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