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Southern Israeli Yeshivos Concerned Regarding Winter Zman

As a result of the renewed warfare in southern Eretz Yisrael, southern area yeshivos are concerned the current situation may prevent the opening of the winter zman. Officials earlier on motzei Shabbos reported a minimum of 24 rockets were fired into the south over Shabbos and motzei Shabbos, and the entire area is now operating under a state-of-emergency.

Thousands of bochrim are expected to arrive in yeshivos on Sunday, 2 Cheshvan, and many city schools and area universities have been closed since they lack sufficient safe rooms to permit holding classes. The same is the case with many or most yeshivos.

Rabbonim are meeting later in the night with city officials and security agency officers to assess the situation, which may compel telling bochrim to remain home until an alternative venue can be found.

The Grodna Yeshiva in Ashdod canceled a motzei Shabbos memorial atzeres for HaGaon HaRav Simcha HaCohen Brand zt”l, who was a founding member of the Kiryat Ponevezh in Ashdod, due to the renewed warfare. The event was scheduled for 20:30 in the Avi Ezer Beis Medrash but the rocket attacks did not permit it to take place.

MK Yisrael Eichler (Yahadut HaTorah) was in Ashdod for Shabbos and immediately headed to the location of the rocket impact site on motzei Shabbos to evaluate the situation.

Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovich visited Ashdod on motzei Shabbos to identify with residents of areas under fire, speaking to the media, releasing standard statements of support and reassurance.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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