Hirschman The Victim Talks From His Hospital Bed

Avraham Hirschman, who was beaten by Gur Chassidim in Geula earlier in the week spoke with Chadrei Chareidim from his Hadassah Ein Kerem bed.

“I left the Har Tzvi Shul with two others and suddenly, a group of 15 people, Gerrer Chassidim, some wearing masks, attacked me. They had metallic rods and sticks and began beating me. At first, they ran after me and began beating me all over my body. A number of chassidim were standing at the side and watching. They seem to have been “out-lookers”, making sure no one came to assist me.

I davened to Hashem to save me, as quickly as possible. I tried to defend myself and suddenly, I heard the shouts of passers-by who were shouting at the people beating me. I know that some people were there and saw and can identify some of the attackers.

The escalation of violence in Meah Shearim between the sikrikim and Gerrer Chassidim have reached unprecedented levels. Unfortunately, the old time residents of the community are once again victims, as they are when garbage bins are burned and roads are closed in protests. The new generation chossid seems to live by a different code, and the respect, tolerance and modesty of yesteryear is a thing of the past. The conflict regarding the hekdesh and Batei Warsaw is not about to be resolved any day soon, and it involves a great deal of money, power and control. Hence, the battle is just getting underway.

Police are actively investigating the beating of Hirschman, which some say was justified while others express outrage, but what is certain is that the violence plaguing Meah Shearim and the surrounding areas is just beginning, not ending.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

23 Responses

  1. My dear “rebbitzin”.
    If he’s one of the sikrikim, then it’s like asking how you can justify murdering osama bin ladin. Of course if he’s innocent then it’s unjustified. But you are coming in the middle of a story and don’t know the history.

  2. to the YWN Editor, the comments posted by rika brocha cohen should be removed, she is calling for the Murder of the sikrikim, I don’t pretend to know all what the sikrikim stand for, or what the allegedly have done, but calling to Murder??

  3. i could be wrong but i think sikrikim are tznius police like the taliban if a womens skirt is not how they’d like etc.. they will beat them

  4. RBC -And if he is? Vigilantism is never Mutter either acc. to Torah or secular law. If he is a criminal, Israel has a Justice system and he can be tried in Court. The way they know he is guilty and that they can half-kill him -they can present this to the Court. Stop defending the Gerrer terrorists -they aren’t any better than the Shikrim. Both have political motives and both resort to violence when they don’t get their way.
    I’m sorry that you can’t see the Emes. If you would condemn the violence (on both sides, but esp. on your own group’s side) instead of defending it, your side would look more like victims, then the aggressors!

  5. to #3
    Sikrikim are a group of people in Yerushalaim, who in disgise of “Frumkeit” or “Kanous” harm people and their property. And love doing so too. They are not learned people, just shallow “Ladygaurs”. It is a Mitzvahto stop these hooligans.

  6. “some wearing masks” just like real terrorists. If they hold they’re doing the ratzon hashem why do they need masks?

  7. #3 drugcommish in LA – apparently Sikrikim are VIOLENT fanatic chassidim in Meah Shaarim (perhaps in Ramat Beth Shemesh B as well) that threaten, harm, and cause damage to people whose lifestyles differ from theirs. They apparently have been terrorizing their own communities.

    This “saint” in this article has been accused of burning down a store in the area, along with other crimes as well.

    See this article (here’s a quote):
    “He is believed to have been behind the violence and destruction surrounding ‘Kollel Poland’ and the ‘Batei Warsaw’ as well as the attacks against the Ohr Chaim seforim store. Most pertinent to this case, he is believed to have ordered the attack against the son of the Rebbe Shlita, a resident of Meah Shearim.”


    If everything he is accused of is true, then he deserves what he gets. He is simply a wicked person that needs to do Teshuva. Gerre and the Meah Shaarim community have the rights to protect themselves.

    With that said, I DO think their response was a little extreme, but on the other hand perhaps it will weaken the wicked sikrikims’ self assurance and perhaps they will start to deal with their fellow brothers in a more peaceful manner.

  8. The Sikrikim are the toys of the cops and the ShaBaK and if the community does not stop them, no one will.

    What is not clear is whether this Yid is one of the Sikrikim. If he is, well, it sure is hard to tell one Gerrer chossid from another, so it will be very hard to catch the members of the Pinchas brigade that did this. If he is not, then the Gerrer Rebbe must denounce this hooliganism and cooperate with the police. Otherwise, it is New Square all over again.

  9. MONEY, POWER and CONTROL that is what it is about from the time of the Garden of Eden continuing till today (same thing in Bet Shemesh — about money, power and control).

  10. Found on another blog:

    Kol HaKavod to the Gerrers. This is the only language that the sikrikim (thugs) understand.
    We are talking about people who for them violence is their way of life. And now, when they are hit they complain. Finally somebody is talking with them in their language.
    Many are trying to “close accounts” with Gur and are hitchhiking on this incident to do so. In this situation, Gur is completely correct, and I back them up..

    — Yehuda Meshi Zahav

  11. Most of the above is incorrect.The victom has nothing to do with the SICKrikim he is leading a LEGAL battle against people which are called KOLLEL POLIN trying to throw him and all his neighbors out of their houses.The KOLLEL POLIN know that legally they got no chance so they are terrorizing the residents.It happens to be that one of the residents is a SICKrik and is fighting back like a SICKrik but the victim in our story is a represntetive of all the residents in a legal and halachically approoved battle.The reason why the news says he is a sikrik is all a magor success for the terrorizers trying to get people to say “let the 2 crazy parties fight” but it”s SHEKER VCHAZAV please!!!! please!!!! don’t help people who beat up an innocent person JUST because he is going to court against them-KOLLEL POLIN and spread the EMMES VYATZIV T H E V I C T I M I S N O T A S I C K R I K J U S T A N I N N O C E N T F E L L O W !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Can someone please explain why this isn’t being resolved in a Beis Din? Has one side tried to get the other to submit to impartial din Torah?

  13. This will only make the sikirikim want to retaliate and show that they can also inflict pain. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

  14. The Sikrikim go back to the days of the Churban of the second Beis Hamikdash. There were 4 main groups arguing over control of Yerushalayim. First, there was the Perushim-the Pharisees in english;they were the Chachamim and the Sanhedrin. They wanted the Romans out but were afraid of war as it would destroy the nation. Then there were the Tzadukim-Saducces- They wanted peace with the Romans and to live like the Romans. Then there were the Keanim- the Zealots- they were a break off from the Perushim who wanted the Romans out at any cost. And last(and least) were the Sikrikim They were anarchists and gangs.Named for their Sikrikim, their small knives that they kept in their cloaks,tey were willing to use force and kill to accomplish their goals.

  15. I’m sorry to say this-but I think this is why Mashiach isn’t here. Because one group of Jews cant get along with another group of Jews. and theyre not the only sect to blame. We all do it. That and because people are obnoxious to other people when replying to their comments. BE NICE!!!!!

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