Terror Strikes Yerushalayim on Shabbos – Stabbing Attack

Police feel a stabbing attack that occurred on Shabbos afternoon in the Ramot area of the capital was most likely a terrorist attack. A 17-18-year-old chareidi male is reported in serious condition. He was attacked on Zarchi Street by an Arab male. Apparently the attacker lunged out with the knife without any provocation, then trying to stab others as well, but without success, fleeing the scene. It appears the attack occurred during the Shabbos afternoon hours, about 15:25. The victim was transported to the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital with multiple stab wounds.

Police ordered a chopper into the air to assist in the search for the attacker while roadblocks were set up. The search focused on the nearby Arab village of Beit Iksa, believing the attacker entered the neighborhood from the wadi leading from the village to the Jewish neighborhood.

Paramedic Eliezer Asulin reports that upon his arrival on the scene, he saw the victim bleeding from his back and abdomen, adding he had lost a considerable amount of blood prior to their arrival.

18:36 IL: The condition of the victim, Yehuda ben Ronit, is reported as critical. The tzibur is requested to daven on his behalf.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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