Former Libyan Dictator Gaddafi is Dead

Former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has been apprehended and killed by revolutionary forces, reports from Libya state. After ruling with his iron fist policies for 42 years, the overthrown leader has been tracked down by rebel force and killed on Thursday (20 October) in his hometown of Sirte.

Al Jazeera English Television broadcast what it said was exclusive footage showing Gaddafi’s body being dragged by rebels. The footage showed the half naked body of the toppled Libyan dictator being stripped of his shirt. His face was bloodied and had a bullet hole in the side of his head.

Gaddafi’s body has been placed in a mosque in Misrata, al-Jazeera satellite television said on Thursday. Al-Arabiyya television said Gaddafi’s body was in Misrata, but said the body was in a commercial center in the city’s Souq Tawansa neighborhood.

(Published in Eretz Yisrael on motzei Simchas Torah)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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