Moshiach Ben Dovid Tries To Get Into Maran R’ Ovadia Shlita

There were some tense moments during tefila as man identifying himself as Moshiach Ben Dovid tried making his way to Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita in the Rav’s beis medrash in Har Nof, Yerushalayim.

During shmoneh esreh, a man stood up; described by mispallalim as being ‘disturbed’ and began shouting “I am Moshiach Ben Dovid”. No one really paid much attention at first, until he began moving close to Rav Ovadia while he was davening, explaining he wants the Rav to crown him as Moshiach.

Mispallalim quoted by Kikar Shabbat explain a fear spread among all present and they think the Rav himself was somewhat alarmed. Suddenly, Yom L’Yom correspondent, Ephraim Gilad moved towards the man and subdued him, removing him from the beis medrash.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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