The Itamar Attack That Could Have Been Avoided, But Wasn’t

If chas v’sholom there is another terror attack in Yishuv Itamar, most likely people will reflect back at this situation, stating this was the attack that could have been avoided.

Only months after the slaughter of the Fogel family of Itamar, an Arab male, a resident of Beit Furiq was apprehended as he was spying on the community, perhaps planning the next terror attack. He was using binoculars to observe the community, an act that is not at all related to olive picking, the reason he was permitted into the area.

Acting appropriately, the community security officer alerted the IDF and the man was detained for questioning. A ranking military officer on the scene instructed soldiers to release the man despite objections and protests of community personnel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. “He was using binoculars to observe the community… A ranking military officer on the scene instructed soldiers to release the man…”

    It’s interesting that the anti-Jewish media conveniently leaves out this point when reporting the incident. The military officer has some real explaining to do.

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