Shalit Arrives in Tel Nof Base

12:49 IL: The Israel Air Force chopper carrying Gilad Shalit has landed in the Tel Nof base where he will finally be reunited with his family. Shalit is now dressed in an IDF uniform, with his new non-commissioned rank, based on his years in service during his captivity.

Press access to the soldier, his parents and other family members remains extremely restricted towards protecting their privacy along with considerations for Gilad’s fragile state of being after over five years in Hamas captivity.

According to official reports, the Shalits are not committed to any ceremonies and when they signal they wish to leave and head home to Mitzpei Hila, they will be taken from Tel Nof and the events on the air force base will come to an abrupt end.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. I am sitting here reading this and crying. I am so happy for Gilad and his family.
    Yes, I may not have agreed with the agreement made between Israel and Hamas but it’s done so I will just be happy for him and his family and hope that they have much bracha and hatzlacha for now on!!

  2. The media seems to to have missed the point, That a Jewish man is worth well over 1,000 non Jewish men. The Holocaust taught us that 6,000,000 Jews were murdered but how much is 6,000,000 X 1,000. At then end of the day our enemies will pay a million-fold for their atrocities.

    Mazel tov to Gilad Shalit, your release made klal yisroel celebrate this yom tov with so much greater joy. As for the 1,000 or so rodents that were released, Hashem is great and he will protect us from our enemies as long as we deserve it, and often even when we do not.


  3. Pidyon Shevuim is one of the greatest mitzvos we have, however if we know it will lead to more shevuim it is not so clear if ita a mitzvah. We are not neviim and we do have forces to appose these reshaim, and Hashem looks down at us for this tremendous mitzvah gedolah that NOTHING BAD WILL COME OF THIS IN THIS MONTH OF SIMCHA AND KAPARA AND RACHAMOM ,AMAIN YEHIE RATZON (yosef chaim of Monsey)See Yeshaya 60 Yalkut Shimonii on the Ebud Reshaim beyemai Moshiach (1000 to 1) what an AM Hashem!!!!!!!!!! what Kidush Hashem Berabim

  4. Now Hamas will see that they can get all their terrorists out by kidnapping Israelis soldiers which they said they would do more often. They now have a precedant. This is another Israeli govt, mess up, just as bad as Oslo. This is not pidyion shivuyim this is politics.

  5. Hopefully, the IDF is doing a better job over the past few years to make sure that its soldiers are better protected from infiltrating kidnappers.

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