Ron Ben-Yishai: Why all the Celebration?

Senior veteran correspondent Ron Ben-Yishai told Israel TV that he simply does not understand the euphoric atmosphere surrounding today’s events, the implementation of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.

The veteran war correspondent explained that while he is happy for Gilad Shalit and his family on a personal level, there is nothing to be celebrating about as Israel today has today decided the fate of the next captured soldiers, “and let’s be honest, there will be others”.

Ben-Yishai explains that the deal, 1,027 terrorists for one soldier has set a new bar, one that teaches Hamas and Hizbullah alike that time works on the side of the terror organizations, that will continue holding out, keeping hostages hidden until such time Israel capitulates and agrees to demands, as was the case here.

Ben-Yishai is critical of the festive mood of the prime minister, defense minister and others, who are proud of their accomplishment, one that he feels will be extremely costly for the State of Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. WIY – You and your selfish robotic ilk make me so angry. Why don’t you free yourself and use your G-d given brain? I suppose your wife did (not) sell her jewelry to save another Jew? Why don’t you offer yourself or perhaps one of your family to undo this “costly” 1027% TRUE pidyon shevuyim mistake.

  2. Homeless
    Did you miss this????

    This is not pidon shvuyim. Rav Lior paskened that its not and there are other great poskim who paskened that way as well.
    Just because a Jew is in jail does not automatically make freeing him pidyon shvuyim. There are many issues to take into account especially the cost. This wasn’t a matter of money. (even with money there’s a price that one doesn’t exceed according to HALACHA) Now that we are dealing with convicted terrorists how can we just release them? You think these guys did Teshuvah? If anything now they hate Israel more for keeping them in prison and will want to get revenge by killing lots of innocent people!!! You forget who we are dealing with. These aren’t white collar criminals being released!!

  3. WIY, it’s a clear halacha, ein podin es hashvuyin yeser al domeihen. Why are you arguing against it?

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe paskened clearly against all such exchanges, and that was when it was only about 60 terrorists for one soldier, not over 1000. And events have proved him right; thousands of Jews have died because of that exchange.

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