Hebron Fights Back & Replaces MDA Magen David

Magen David Adom, Israel’s emergency medical service does not appear to be the ideological organization is was when it was founded decades ago. Israel’s primary emergency medical service has begun moving ahead with the implementation phase of the plan, removing the Red Magen David from ambulances stationed in communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron towards complying with dictates of the International Red Cross.

In August 2001, YWN-Israel reported on the planned move, which gained MDA acceptance in the International Red Cross, which in addition to the prestige, adds an additional $1.5 million to the MDA budget, a perk enjoyed as a Red Cross member.

Residents of a number of yishuvim are fighting back, including Hebron. While MDA has removed the Magen David from the ambulance, replacing it with the new benign logo that is not offensive to the anti-Semites who feel Israel’s logo is unacceptable; Hebron has replaced it with a sticker, covering the new logo with a Red Magen David. Other communities are going to do the same, as they are not willing to kowtow to the international organization, known for its anti-Israel acceptance policy.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. It has never ceased to amaze me that the international Red Cross accepts the Arabic countries’ use of the red crescent instead of a cross, but refuses to allow Israel to use a red Magen David. The RC has been known as an anti-Israel organization for many years. I have never given the Red Cross a red cent and never will.

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