PM Netanyahu Empathizes With Bereaved Families

Ahead of the release of 1,027 terrorists on Tuesday in return for Gilad Shalit, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a member of a bereaved family, sent a letter to family members of loved one murdered by terrorists being released in the deal.

Mr. Netanyahu, whose brother Lt.-Colonel Yoni was killed in the line of duty in the 1976 Entebbe rescue operation empathized with the bereaved family members.

Following is the text of the letter:

Dear Families,

I write to you with a heavy heart.  I understand and know your pain.

I belong to a bereaved family of the victims and fallen of terrorism.  By brother was killed in the operation to rescue the Entebbe hostages.

I know that you have a heavy heart and that your wounds have been opened anew these past days; that your thoughts are not at ease.

Numerous misgivings accompanied me throughout the negotiations on the agreement to return the abducted soldier Gilad Shalit.  You were always in my thoughts.

The decision in the matter of the release of Gilad Shalit was among the most difficult that I have ever made.  It is difficult for me for the same reasons that it is difficult for you, dear families.

In the decision to return Gilad home, I was faced with the responsibility of the Prime Minister of Israel to bring home every soldier who is sent to protect our citizens.

I also, when I went off to fight in the name of the State of Israel, knew always: The State of Israel does not abandon its soldiers and citizens.

Opposite the strong desire to return home a captive soldier, was the need to limit the heavy price that the State of Israel would have to pay upon the abduction of Gilad Shalit over five years ago.

I know that the price is very heavy for you.  I understand the difficulty to countenance that the evil people who perpetrated the appalling crimes against your loved ones will not pay the full price that they deserve.

During these moments I hope that you will find solace that I and the entire nation of Israel embrace you and share your pain.

Your loved ones will forever be in my heart,

Yours in pain and deep sorrow for your loved ones,

Binyamin Netanyahu

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Bibi’s brother gave his life killing – and not negotiating with terrorists.

    Bibi returned over a thousand terrorists to their habitats – and served a lesson to Hamas that abducting Israeli soldiers pays – and should continue doing so.

    What will Bibi say when if, heaven forbid, one of these animals blows themselves up and kills more Jewish blood?

    Bibi. Your are wrong on this one. Yoni Hy”d, is turning over in his grave over this…

  2. Dear Bibi
    Your letter does not address two important issues
    1) Why does Israel not have the death penalty for these mass murderers? Are we pretending to be better then the USA? Lets institute a mandatory death sentence on every terrorist convicted to be carried out 30 days after the verdict. I guarantee that you will not have the current problem
    2) Why cannot Israel seek out the head of Hamas and eliminate them one by one

    You answer these questions and the Families of the victims may give you an ear Give us an iron clad guarantee on these demands NOW!

    Bibi Remember History doesn’t forget what you are about to do is going to haunt your legacy for a thousand Years!

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