Bereaved Families Of 405 Bus – Their Blood Screams From The Earth Below

While 22 years have passed since the terrorist sent an Egged 405 bus traveling towards Yerushalayim down into a ravine, murdering 16, the families of the victims still live with the horrors of that day and the void of the family members who lives came to a sudden end as a result of that act of terror.

While some of the bereaved families feel that Gilad Shalit should be brought home despite the heavy price being paid, others, actually most of the families feel the price is simply too high. They explain “the blood of the victims shouts out from the ground below”.

“I am torn to shreds. The days are simply horrific. I am depressed” stated Dalia Cohen, a Jerusalem resident who describes what the news of the immanent implementation of the Gilad Shalit prisoner release is enduring as a result. She cannot come to terms with the realization that the person responsible for the 1989 attack which claimed the life of her daughter Kinneret.

While bereaved family members agree, all happy to hear the Gilad Shalit is being released, most do not agree with the price being paid. They do not believe that such deals should be made “at any price”, such as in this case.

This week, four of the families met at platform 17 in the Jerusalem Central Bus Station, the platform used by the 405 line. They stood quietly watching passengers boarding the bus.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. As well as we can understand the feelings of these family members and friends of the victims of the yishmaeli savages, and understand why they feel they should not be freed, there is an even MORE important why they should stay in prison…
    NOT (just) because of what they DID,
    but because of what they WILL DO,
    because of the additional Jewish blood they WILL cause to be shed if they are released.

    Taking prisoners may be totally correct in a war with the army of another nation (i.e. the egyptians, the jordanians, etc.) but when dealing with terrorists, no prisoners should be taken. Hamayveen yaveen.

  2. I feel that just as this country has a policy of capital punishment for killing a policeman, so too, Israel should have a policy if an arab kills a Jew, he gets the death penalty. None of this namby pamby pardoning these monsters.

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