Sign Petition – Prevent Release Of Sbarro Terrorist

This is a last effort to assist Jerusalem resident Arnold and Frimet Roth, the parents of Malki HY”D, one of the victims of the Sbarro suicide bombing attack in Jerusalem that claimed 16 lives.

Ahlam Tamimi, 31, is among the 1,027 terrorists being released to bring Gilad Shalit home. She assisting in logistical planning of the attack and drove the bomber to the restaurant.

Tamimi was sentenced to 16 consecutive life terms in jail for her involvement in the terrorist attack on the Sbarro pizza restaurant in Jerusalem in August 2001 that claimed the lives of 16 innocent victims, amongst them many Jewish children.

Tamimi has never expressed remorse and told reporters in 2006, “I’m not sorry for what I did. I will get out of prison and I refuse to recognize Israel’s existence. Discussions will only take place after Israel recognizes that this is Islamic land.”

If released, Tamimi will have her life to live, despite having been sentenced in a court of law after a full and proper trial to sixteen consecutive life sentences. The thought that she will become a wife and mother, be honored by her community and others, and become an inspiration to young formative minds in the Arab world is horrifying and unacceptable.

It is unfathomable that such a proud and unrepentant terrorist be granted freedom under any circumstances.

The tzibur is urged to please go online and sign the petition,  as well as to continue circulating it to prevent the release of this specific terrorist.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Gilad Shalit will be persona non grata anywhere he goes in Israel. He, not the medina, will be looked upon as the one who released 1,027 terrorists. I truly pity this unfortunate young man.

  2. Pointless

    you have the 1989 bomber of 19 yiddishe neshamos

    And the lyncher of ramallah 2001 and his bloodstained hands he waved in the famous photo

    The Netanyahu government should pay and the supporters as well of this deed

  3. I just want to offer an alternative view on this painful subject of releasing murderers in order to gain the release of Gilad. What a massive zechus for all those who were killed hy’d, if releasing these murderers brings about the pidyon of a yid. Life in prison is anyway no justice for what these monsters did. Lets leave the justice doing to G-D!

  4. Although I feel the pain of the families involved, and I actually lost a good friend and his family in the Sbarro bombing, I could never sign this petition unless a Gadol BaTorah paskens that we should. Keil Nekomos HaShem. He will sort out any punishment due to these reshoim. In the meantime an innocent man who BH is still alive will be set free. May H’ have rachmonus on Klal Yisrael

  5. They should be freed,

    Why should israel spend money to keep these terrorists alive when we can kill him with a missile strike

  6. It is NOT simply an issue of releasing savages who committed murder.
    THAT alone would be very questionable, BUT…
    It’s an issue of releasing savages who WILL commit murder AGAIN.

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